Iowa State University Lib.
The History of Warren County, Iowa
by Des Moines: Union Historical Company 1879
1878 Business Directory, Indianola
Station Agent, C.B. McLaughlin
pg 597
Keeney, A. P., proprietor Madison House; he was born June 7, 1825, in Pulaski county, Kentucky; moved with parents May 8,1827, to Montgomery, Ohio; here he was raised, and educated in subscription schools; his father died when he was but 11 years old, and he has paddled his own canoe since, as well as ato help his widowed mother to raise her family of seven children; he came to this county May 22, 1862, and bought what was then known as the John Green farm; he then moved to Squaw Creek, after which he came to Indianola; has been in the hotel business since March 18, 1878; he has the reputation of keeping a first-class house, where farmers and other hungry mortals can always get a square meal; he was maried June 19, 1951, to Miss Mary Bryant, a native of Indiana; they have nine children: Sylvia A., Clara E., silas G., Nannie J., Susan A., Iven F., Gracie and Bell, living, and Laura O. and Iva Il, deceased.
pg 631
Whitebreast Township:
Miller, Nathan, farmer, Sec. 19; P.O. Lacona
Miller, Philip, farmer, Sec 9; P.O. Lacona
Miller, John; P.O. Lacona
Miller, George, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Lacona
Pg 671
Jefferson Township:
Miller, Francis J., farmer, Sec 13; P.O. Lothrop; born in Germany August 3d, 1833, and came with his parents to this country when four years old; he first lived in Indiana, and came from there to Marion county, this State, in 1845, and lived there till he come to this county, inthe spring of 1875. He was married to Catharine Kessler, a native of Germany, in 1860; he has a family of six children living: Frank J., born April 1st, 1861, Valentine, born 20 Feb. 1863, Mary born June 1867, Barbara born July 1869, Martha, born 1871,
Lawrence born 1874. He owns a farm of 260 acres.
pg 687
East Washington Township:
Miller, James H., farmer, Sec 8; P.O. Indianola
Miller, Zacheus, farmer, Sec 28; P.O. Summerset
Miller, D. M., farmer, Sec 17, P.O. Indianola; was born in Chester district, S. Carolina, in 1828; when about two years old, his parents emigrated to Indiana, where he lived till about twenty two years of age, then came to Monroe county, this State, in the spring of 1855, and fromthere to this county, in the spring of 1857; he was twice married, first, in the State of Indiana, March 27, 1855, to Miss Lucinda Harbinson, of that State, who died Oct. 9, 1866, and left a family of two children: Wm. H. and Julia P. who died
July 22, 1870; he was married a second time to Miss Mary A. Hemphill, in 1868, a native of Indiana; Mr. Miller was raised on a farm, and has followed the occupation all his life; he now owns a nicely improved farm of 165 acres.
Miller, James H., farmer, Sec 8; P.O. Indianola
Miller, Zacheus, farmer, Sec 28; P.O. Summerset
pg 711
Palmyra Township:
Miller, J.H., farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Palmyra
Miller, Abraham, farmer, Sec 24; P.O. Palmyra
pg 718
Allen Township
Keeney, S. T., farmer, Sec.5; P.O. Avon; was born in Union county, Indiana, February 21, 1818, and was raised there till about nine years of age, when his parents moved to Montgomery county, where he married
February 2, 1848, to Elizabeth Kessler, of Virginia, and the same year he came to Iowa and located where he now llives; he came by wagon, and was three weeks on the road; has seven sons living: Benjamin K., George, Joseph A., Nathaniel F., Edward M., Samuel P., and Elmer A.; he owns a farm of 230 acres.
Keeney, Johnathan, farmer, Sec 18; P.O. Carlisle
Keeney, B.K., farmer, Sec 21; P.O. Carlisle.
pg 719
Allen Township:
Miller, Daniel, school teacher, Carlisle
Miller, James, farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Carlisle
pg 739
Union Township:
Keller, H., farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Lothrop; was born in Washington City, D.C., in the year 1816; his parents removed to Ohio when he was quite young, and in 1871 he came from there to this State; he was married to Miss C. A. Miller, a native of Shenandoah county, Virginia, and has a family of six children living: John F., Nancy E. (now the wife of James Coffey, of Ohio), Virginia (wife of Thomas Davis), Henderson, Thomas, and W. C.; he owns a farm of 170 acres. His son, John F., enlisted in thelate war, in the State of Ohio, in the fall of 1863, and served till its close. Mr. Keller was ordained a minister of the gospel, March 24, 1862, by Bishop Edward R$. Ames, of the M. E. Church.
pg 741
Linn Township:
Mrs. Mary C. Miller, farmer Sec. 24, P.O. Norwalk; widow of Abran T. Miller, deceased, a native of Fountain county, Indiana; born Febuary 14, 1827, and died May 6, 1875; he came to this county and settled in the fall of 1855; Mrs. Miller, whose maiden name was Mary C. Cook, is also a native of Indiana; born May 1, 1837, and was married to her husband August 31, 1854; she has a family of five children living: Clara, William S., Emma J., Mary F. and Grace De; one deceased, sarah E., sho died May 6, 1875; she owns a finely improved farm of 520 acres.
Miller, John, farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Norwalk.
Miller, Eli H., farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Norwalk.
Miller, Robert A., farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Norwalk
Miller, Dr. W. L., physician and surgeon, P.O. Norwalk; is a native of Marion county, west Virginia; born in the year 1846, February 24th, and emigrated with his parents to Adams county Illinois, when eight years old, and lived there till May, 1874, when he came to this county; he was married September 26, 1871, to Miss Nancy Prutzman, a native of Illinois, born December 25, 1849; they have one daughter, Hattie E., born May 23d, 1873; he received his early education in Illinois, and his collegiate course was taken at Keokuk, Iowa, and St. Louis, Missouri; during the late war, he was steward in the hospital from 1862 till 1864 when he enlisted in Co. A, of 137th Illinois Infantry, and served till the close of the war.
History of Warren County by Rev. W. C. Martin, D. D. 1908
pg 163
A remarkable railroad career: C. B. McLaughin was born in the state of New York, has been seventy-two years in Iowa, has been in the employ of the C.R.I.&P. Company for fifty-six years, and thirty-two years agent at Indianola, and is still actively engaged in the duties of his office.
pg 290
Business Directory:
C. R. I., C. B. Mc Laughlin: Station Agent
pg 884
William Herring, deceased, was for many years one of the leading farmers of Linn township and a man honored and respedted wherever known. He was born in
Pennsylvania, May 7, 1839, and was a representattive of an old family of French origin that was early established in the Keystone state. There his father, Ebenezer Herring, was born and reared and on reaching manhood married Miss Jane McLaughlin. In 1854 he brought his family to Iowa traveling by wagon and boat to Warren county, and in Linn township he purchased eighty acres of land, which he at once began to improve and cultivate, making his home thereon until his death. ....
Here's an interesting story written by an Aunt. Adeline Mathilda Keeney was the daughter of James Kimber Keeney & Lucinda B. Pemberton and the granddaughter of William S.. Keeney & Jane Simmons
Grandma Floyd
by Jean (Floyd) McKillips
She was born Adeline Mathilda Keeney on January 13, 1876, in Iowa. She was 16 when she married Grandpa. She adored him (as he did her) and it was a love affair that would last 58 years, until he passed away.
She had a vivid imagination, a quick wit and a zest for living that many people would envy. One of my favorite memories is of telling stories of when she was young. She had a way of telling it so you almost felt like you were right there taking part in it. Besides mothering her own brood (she had six) she mothered all the other kids of the neighborhood. Like so many women of her time, she had a special talent for nursing and for a time when they lived in Beloit, she worked with old Dr. Thayer as a nurse and midwife. She helped many a new life into the world, including several of her own grandchildren.
When we were kids, she was never too busy to play games with us, sometimes making up games if we were bored with the old ones. She always encouraged us to have our dreams, and to follow them if possible. She told me once the only thing to worry about was today, yesterday was gone and tomorrow was not here yet. She had a keen sense of humor, she always could see the humorous side of the situation but she did not treat life lightly.
I remember once when I was about 6 years old, we had a family picnic and during the day she found a nest of pheasant eggs. We had chickens and a broody hen. I do not remember how many eggs or how many chicks were hatched, but she wound up with two, a hen and a rooster. She kept them till they kept flying out of the cage and they were getting so they’d chase us. She took them to a taxidermist and had them mounted. She named them Oscar and Betty and had them yet when I was grown and married. I asked for them after she died, but no one seemed to know what became of them.
She was a fantastic cook and loved nothing better than to have her whole family together for Sunday dinner. She needed no special reason. She loved company and we used to say she opened the door with one hand and put the coffee on with the other.
She loved music and played the mouth organ. She should have been an entertainer, having both the talent and personality. Not long ago, I had the chance to watch the movie Mary Poppins, and I couldn’t help thinking that whoever the author was, he must have known Grandma when she was young.
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