A page of my disjointed thoughts,
latest are at the top.
Winter 2014
24 December 2014
It's almost Christmas eve as I do this so have a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year too!
In a couple of hours I'll be posting V1n2 of the Keeney
Researcher online newsletter the PDF file is nine pages long
this time, the first issue was 11 pages.
As many of you know I'm putting this up in three formats:
1. as a word file.
2. as a PDF file.
3. as a web page.
In November we sold the house in Chino, California and got
enough out of it to pay all we owed on it and took the remaining
cash and bought a house outright in Yucca Valley, California so
no more house payments.
Ralph Ray Keeney's Wagon ruts West is almost entirely redone
though we can still use some better replacement photos as Dave
has a photocopy of the book & I had a photocopy of
the original manuscript which got used by mice for a nest when I
had some stuff in storage.
I came up with a new page header graphic for Wagon Ruts West as
I'll be finished with the reformatting in a few days & Dave
wants to proof read all of the sections before I post it openly,
so it should be available in a couple of weeks or so.
Summer/Fall 2014
The Keeney Update project is ongoing thanks to Mary Winner but
some of the issues on hand are at least 3rd generation
photocopies and very hard to read let alone the pictures tend to
be either to dark to see clearly or to faded.
I have found some replacements of the originals online but most
I can not find at all.
If you have any original copies of the Keeney Update or any of
the photos from them that you are willing to share for this
project PLEASE let us know.
You can check what we have on hand by going
and looking at the last column and clicking the PDF links to see
what the copies we have look like. Or you may even have an issue
we don't.
I received two emails on 20 October
2014 and they both had to do with DNA in part anyway.
I know that there are several companies now providing testing
services for genetic testing for genealogy but do they cross
check with each other for matches?
With that question in mind maybe we should have a DNA page here
on the site.
Anyone have thoughts on the subject?
My email address for the last 10 + years has been and remains
I have at least 7 more email address but the one above is the
one I use for the site.
Dave Keeney has a photocopy of
Wagon Ruts West but the pictures are not too good so we are still
looking for an original copy.
Fred Keeney sent an email most of which follows:
Dan- Have you done any DNA testing? I
just got partial results back from mine.
1. I know you and I are related as are all the
Keeney's that can trace roots back to Greenbriar, WV.
Michael Keeney b 1804 and John Keeney d 1816 both in
2. Have you ever heard of a Swiss connection for the
Keeney's? Because I got a match with a Swiss man named Rolf
Georg Keuhni !!!! No doubt he and I are related!!! Does that
destroy our entire Irish theory? Also- a man named Abraham
Luther shows up- from Frederick Maryland. *Note- this
was the 37 Marker- 4 times removed
3. In my research I know this- During the early 1700's
there was large immigration from Keenaught, in the vicinity
of Derry and Donegal. We know many of those families came to
Maryland and then on to Greenbriar country. I found a
mention of Keeney's Knob, muddy creek, Greenbriar in this
link: http://www.southcarolinaconservative.com/PDF/TheseIrishmenFirst20LR.pdf
I also found a Keeney Mill in Eklo, Md- and its still
I am now more confused about our ancestry then ever!!! LOL
A history of a Keeney Family Genealogy
online. It
was originally stated back in 1986 or at least the concept for it
was. It has had various names since then because
of problems with internet providers.
1986 - 87 hosted on
Geocities.com in one of the free site communities.
1987 - 1997 it became
keeney.net which was hosted by 3 different internet hosts.
1997 lost keeney.net due to
hosting problems. Started keeneyklan.com.
1997 - June 2009 keeneyklan.com
In late June 2009 I gave up on
the host I had, and could not keep the name since they were the ones who
registered it for me. So I changed the name and started with a different
host and the site became k-f-g-online.info I paid for the name for 10
years in advance and opted for a 5 year hosting plan. This was a bit
expensive and the hosting plan expired on 26 June 2014.
In 2013 I was ready to give up on the site
altogether and offered it to anyone that wanted to take it over and
I was willing to continue doing the site for whoever might want to take
it on. I even made a headstone for the site,
and for a few days this was the sites default page.
Anyway a cousin offered to host the site at no
charge so we moved it over to his host and here we are. One thing I
noted with the transfer we got an extra year on the name it was due to
expire 26 June 2019 and now it's been extended until 2020.
June 2014 - present new host
and what I hope will be a long term one.
I have reformatted the site and have run across
one little snag so far which will be fixed soon.
Does anyone have a copy of Wagon Ruts West?
If so I would like to borrow it.
Should I put another newsletter on the
site if so somebody else is going to have to put it together any
For 2 issues a year? Maybe more?