![]() Keeney ShoppeThis is a list of books, newsletters and other items dealing with the KEENEY surname. Most all of the books are out of print, but you can still get (film copies) of some of them through the LDS Family History Centers. BOOKS & LDS films 2597 Keeney relatives by Roscoe C. Keeney, Jr. out of print you can get it on microfilm/fiche from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Film # 6100415 435 more Keeney relatives, Frances Keeney Brawley family by Roscoe C. Keeney, Jr. out of print you can get it on microfilm/fiche from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Film # 6100416 Descendants of Elmer Ashley Keeney compiled by Alice E. Biddle out of print you can get it on microfilm/fiche from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Film # 1421976 Item 3 Wagon Ruts West by Ralph Ray Keeney out of print you can get it on microfilm/fiche from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Film # 1421976 Item 4 These 3 are out of print and I have not found them in the LDS holdings. The Keeney and Bersot Families by Virginia Belle (Keeney) Coats out of print The Descendants of Rev., Jonathan A. Keeney by Patricia Foulke Kaufman out of print Rev., Jonathan A. Keeney and His Descendants new 2nd edition by Patricia Foulke Kaufman out of print author information
For more information How to get films It's been brought to my attention that some people are having a hard time obtaining information on how to get films from the LDS the following is from a ROOTS-L message on 20 July 1999 #499 X-Message 16
#16 Genealogical Researchers: The following is an outline of some of the LDS Records, as well as how I have utilized them for several years. LDS MICROFICHE RECORDS: You can either view these microfiche at any Family History Center throughout the world, or purchase them for yourself, at 15 cents per sheet. Most Public Libraries have a microfiche reader, or you can purchase a used one for less than $75. If you want to purchase LDS Microfiche, follow these directions: Call 1-800-537-5950 and order these FREE order forms. Tell them that all of your items are FREE items.
# 33360 Order forms Order about 5 copies of each item. When you receive the order forms, you can purchase the microfiche for 15 cents each, plus S&H. 1. International Genealogical Index (IGI): Millions & millions of names. You will not find dates of death on this index. But, did you know that your ancestor's name is not even on this index unless a member of the LDS has performed an LDS ordinance for your ancestor? There are a variety of ordinances which they perform besides Baptisms. Each Microfiche sheet has about 40,000 names on it. 2. Locality Catalog: This shows you what types of records have been microfilmed for a particular locality. The microfilm numbers relate to the reels, which have the actual documents microfilmed. 3. Surname Catalog: This shows you which books that a particular surname are listed in, even if the title may not include your particular surname. Through these records, I was able to find 2 books that included my direct lineage, and I had no idea that they were ever published. Many of these books are also available to rent via microfilm from the LDS. 4. Author, Subject & Title Catalog: This catalog is MASSIVE! A listing of just about everything regarding family history in the entire world. As you may or may not know, a lot of this info is also available on www.familysearch.org But, this website has a lot of traffic, and I find it much easier to get a bird's eye view via microfiche. Also, the microfiche allows you to see various codes, which gives you many more clues in your research. Everyone who is on this list, does not have access to the web. I, for example, am writing this email to you, via a 486 computer that has only email access on it. I am not affiliated with the LDS in any way. However, I do know that they have the largest collection of genealogical records in the entire world. They are the ones who created GEDCOM & the first genealogy software called PAF. They are also the ones who started the massive microfilming projects during the 1940s. If it wasn't for their efforts, I could not have found a lot of what I have, unless I visited the actual courthouses & State Archives. When I am satisfied that I have collected a large amount of information on one of my particular lineage's, here is what I do: I submit a GEDCOM diskette to the LDS Ancestral File, and then I print out a hard copy of narrative about these folks, and organize & index it in book form. Many of today's genealogy software programs will do this for you. I send this hard copy to the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City, UT, and they have it hardbound for their library's circulation. I also give the LDS the right to microfilm my book, so that someone else who is looking for this info, will be able to find it, maybe 50 years from now. Everything that I submitted to the LDS Ancestral File in 1995, is now available for others to download via www.familysearch.org . The main fruits of our genealogical efforts is the ability to SHARE with others. You often hear a lot about how inaccurate the LDS records are. But, in genealogy, you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Do you think that you have actual "proof" of anything? Think about it. The only real proof of your ancestors, is if you have a video tape of you being born, and then, you would only know who your mother was. While people were giving depositions in court, responding to census enumerators, and giving information about the deceased on a death certificate, do you think that everything that they stated was accurate? Not to mention, the massive amount of errors that you can find in newspaper obituaries, as well as tombstones at cemeteries. The best that we can do, is to measure the whole pile of "evidence", and try to make a conclusion based on this. The LDS should be commended for providing most of this information to us for FREE, or for such a ridiculously low price, that it only compensates them for their actual costs. Their Family History Publications List has several research supplies for FREE or almost nothing, such as: 1. List of
Family History Centers. 3. Family History Research. 4. Foreign Language Helps. 5. Software & resources. 6. Research Outlines for: British Isles, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Scandinavia, Asia/South Pacific. 7. Research Outlines for every State in the US. These cost 50 cents each, and give great details on every phase or research within that state. 8. Family Group Records & Pedigree Charts. 9. Research Logs. Cost is $2.25 for 100 sheets. 10.Census Work Sheets. Cost is 4 cents each. 11. U.S. Military Records Research Outline. Cost is 50 cents. 12. U.S. Genealogical Research Outline. Cost is $1. Take care, and Happy Hunting!
William A. Mills
Webmasters Note: NEWSLETTERS Roscoe's Keeney UpDate 1983 - 2006 Keeney Family Genealogy Online Newsletter 1998 - 2013 The Keeney Researcher an online genealogy newsletter 2014 - ? This page was last updated on Friday, 15 March 2019 17:24:04 |
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