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Mike Vincent

Generations of the Vincent/Keller - Hursh/Lewis Families

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Kennedy, Dean - male
father: Kennedy, Frank
mother: Powell, May
spouse: Klinkman, Velma
----------child: Kennedy, Norman
----------child: Kennedy, Carol

Kennedy, Erin Rebecca - female
father: Kennedy, James W.
mother: Cotterman, Margaret Christina
Kennedy, Frank - male
father: Kennedy, Samuel (1858 - 1927)
mother: Haskell, Hattie (1863 - )
spouse: Powell, May
----------child: Kennedy, Dean
----------child: Kennedy, Ralph
Kennedy, Fred - male
father: Kennedy, Samuel (1858 - 1927)
mother: Haskell, Hattie (1863 - )
spouse: Bell, Lila
----------child: Kennedy, Sam
Kennedy, Harley - male
father: Kennedy, Samuel (1858 - 1927)
mother: Haskell, Hattie (1863 - )
spouse: Lester, Caran
----------child: Kennedy, Richard
Kennedy, James W. - male
spouse: Cotterman, Margaret Christina
----------child: Kennedy, Erin Rebecca
Kennedy, John R. - male
father: Kennedy, Ralph
mother: Swayze, Esther
Kennedy, Myrtle - female
father: Kennedy, Samuel (1858 - 1927)
mother: Haskell, Hattie (1863 - )
spouse: Newman, Robert
Kennedy, Norman - male
father: Kennedy, Dean
mother: Klinkman, Velma
Kennedy, Patricia - female
father: Kennedy, Richard
mother: Selm, Margery
Kennedy, Phillip - male
father: Kennedy, Sam
Kennedy, Ralph - male
father: Kennedy, Frank
mother: Powell, May
spouse: Swayze, Esther
----------child: Kennedy, John R.
Kennedy, Richard - male
father: Kennedy, Harley
mother: Lester, Caran
spouse: Selm, Margery
----------child: Kennedy, Sharon
----------child: Kennedy, Patricia
----------child: Kennedy, Thomas
Kennedy, Sam - male
father: Kennedy, Fred
spouse: Hoag, Ellen
----------child: Kennedy, Phillip

Kennedy, Samuel (1858 - 1927) - male
b. 1858
d. 1927

spouse: Haskell, Hattie (1863 - )
----------child: Kennedy, Augusta
----------child: Kennedy, Myrtle
----------child: Kennedy, Cora
----------child: Kennedy, Frank
----------child: Kennedy, Fred
----------child: Kennedy, Harley
Kennedy, Sharon - female
father: Kennedy, Richard
mother: Selm, Margery
Kennedy, Thomas - male
father: Kennedy, Richard
mother: Selm, Margery
Keuschnig, Trudy - female
spouse: Krauskopf, Ralph
----------child: Krauskopf, Richard
----------child: Krauskopf, Judi
----------child: Krauskopf, Heidi Louise

Kieser, Bertha (1893 - ) - female
b. 1 FEB 1893

spouse: Krauskopf, Joseph (1883 - 1957)
----------child: Krauskopf, Catherine
----------child: Krauskopf, William
----------child: Krauskopf, Aloid
----------child: Krauskopf, Theresa
----------child: Krauskopf, Louise
----------child: Krauskopf, Angeline
----------child: Krauskopf, Albenia
----------child: Krauskopf, Cecilia
----------child: Krauskopf, Mary
----------child: Krauskopf, Laura
----------child: Krauskopf, Ralph

Kighley, Margaret (~1470 - 1554) - female
b. ABT. 1470 in Lasingcroft, England
d. 1554

father: Kighley, Richard (~1444 - )
Gascoigne, William (~1448 - 1520)
- m. ABT. 1488 in Lasingcroft, England

----------child: Gascoigne, John (1490 - 1557)

Kighley, Richard (~1444 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1444

----------child: Kighley, Margaret (~1470 - 1554)
King, ? - male
spouse: Keller, Beverly
Kirby, Robert - male
spouse: Winter, Beverly Marie
Klann, Heather - female
father: Klann, Jeffery Alan
mother: Vincent, Dawn Denise
Klann, Jeffery Alan - male
spouse: Vincent, Dawn Denise
----------child: Klann, Jennifer
----------child: Klann, Heather
Klann, Jennifer - female
father: Klann, Jeffery Alan
mother: Vincent, Dawn Denise
Klingler, Helen Marie - female
spouse: Binkley, Christian Lee
----------child: Binkley, Deanna Lee
----------child: Binkley, Barbara Kay
----------child: Binkley, Delores Ann
----------child: Binkley, James David
----------child: Binkley, Brenda Sue
Klinkman, Velma - female
spouse: Kennedy, Dean
----------child: Kennedy, Norman
----------child: Kennedy, Carol
Knapp, Ralph - male
spouse: Binkley, Mary Pauline (1904 - 1992)
Kneebush, ? - male
spouse: Keller, Sandra
Knight, Elizabeth - female
spouse: Keeney, Thomas (1655 - ~1687)
Knoerck, Barbara - female
father: Knoerck, Lloyd
mother: Reist, Elenor
Knoerck, Dale Ann - female
father: Knoerck, Lloyd
mother: Reist, Elenor
Knoerck, David - male
father: Knoerck, Lloyd
mother: Reist, Elenor
Knoerck, Dennis - male
father: Knoerck, Lloyd
mother: Reist, Elenor
Knoerck, Dorothy - female
father: Knoerck, Lloyd
mother: Reist, Elenor
Knoerck, Lloyd - male
spouse: Reist, Elenor
----------child: Knoerck, Dennis
----------child: Knoerck, Dale Ann
----------child: Knoerck, Dorothy
----------child: Knoerck, Sharon
----------child: Knoerck, Barbara
----------child: Knoerck, David
Knoerck, Sharon - female
father: Knoerck, Lloyd
mother: Reist, Elenor
Knoll, Lester - male
spouse: Poechman, Margaret E.
Knowles, Elna - female
spouse: Haskell, C. W.
----------child: Haskell, Charles
Koch, Adam Christopher - male
father: Koch, Steven
mother: Robison, Pamela Ann
Koch, Angela - female
father: Koch, Steven
mother: Robison, Pamela Ann
Koch, Steven - male
spouse: Robison, Pamela Ann
----------child: Koch, Angela
----------child: Koch, Adam Christopher
Koga, Derek - male
father: Koga, Tony
mother: Fitzgerald, Arlene
Koga, Erin - female
father: Koga, Tony
mother: Fitzgerald, Arlene
Koga, Stephen - male
father: Koga, Tony
mother: Fitzgerald, Arlene
Koga, Tony - male
spouse: Fitzgerald, Arlene
----------child: Koga, Derek
----------child: Koga, Stephen
----------child: Koga, Erin
Konkle, John Edward - male
spouse: Mayotte, Jane Ellen
Kraemer, Gary - male
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
Kramers, Ali - male
father: Kramers, Terrence (Terry)
mother: Trottier, Ann
Kramers, Ann Marie - female
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Eveleigh, James
----------child: Eveleigh, Chandell
----------child: Eveleigh, Christopher
Kramers, Cathy - female
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Schuster, Carl
----------child: Schuter, Fredrich Paul
----------child: Schuter, Karl-Heinz Nicholas
----------child: Schuster, Julie Anne
Kramers, Donna - female
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Whitworth, Peter
----------child: Whitworth, Mark
spouse: Gleason, Tracy
----------child: Gleason, Terry-Lynn
----------child: Gleason, Chad
----------child: Gleason, Corri Dawn
Kramers, Jordan - male
father: Kramers, Kenneth
mother: Trottier, Lynda
Kramers, Kenneth - male
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Trottier, Lynda
----------child: Kramers, Jordan
----------child: Kramers, Matthew
Kramers, Marlene - female
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Loughnane, Kevin
----------child: Loughnane, Tyler
----------child: Loughnane, Travis
Kramers, Mary - female
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Dent, Steve
----------child: Dent, Erin Marie
----------child: Dent, Nicholas
Kramers, Matthew - male
father: Kramers, Kenneth
mother: Trottier, Lynda
Kramers, Michael - male
father: Kramers, Terrence (Terry)
mother: Trottier, Ann
Kramers, Norman - male
spouse: Krauskopf, Clara
----------child: Kramers, Cathy
----------child: Kramers, Donna
----------child: Kramers, Mary
----------child: Kramers, Kenneth
----------child: Kramers, Wayne
----------child: Kraemer, Gary
----------child: Kramers, Terrence (Terry)
----------child: Kramers, Ann Marie
----------child: Kramers, Paul
----------child: Kramers, Marlene
Kramers, Paul - male
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Chambers, Maria
Kramers, Sara - female
father: Kramers, Terrence (Terry)
mother: Trottier, Ann
Kramers, Terrence (Terry) - male
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
spouse: Trottier, Ann
----------child: Kramers, Ali
----------child: Kramers, Sara
----------child: Kramers, Michael
Kramers, Wayne - male
father: Kramers, Norman
mother: Krauskopf, Clara
Kramps, Larry - male
spouse: Krauskopf, Marian
Krauskopf, Adele - female
father: Krauskopf, Aloid
mother: Dusssault, Frances
Krauskopf, Adele Elizabeth - female
father: Krauskopf, David
mother: MacLeod, Tracey
Krauskopf, Alan - male
father: Krauskopf, Albert
mother: Hillier, Patricia

Krauskopf, Albenia (1889 - 1969) - female
b. 18 SEP 1889
d. 4 DEC 1969

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
mother: Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937)
McLaughlin, James (1878 - 1965)
- m. 1910

----------child: McLaughlin, John (? - 1956)
----------child: McLaughlin, Angeline
----------child: McLaughlin, Victorine
----------child: McLaughlin, Emmett
----------child: McLaughlin, Francis
----------child: McLaughlin, Leonard
----------child: McLaughlin, Patrick
Krauskopf, Albenia - female
father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1883 - 1957)
mother: Kieser, Bertha (1893 - )
Krauskopf, Albert - male
father: Krauskopf, Albert Joseph (1881 - 1957)
mother: Ballge, Edith (Ida) (1881 - 1963)
spouse: Hillier, Patricia
----------child: Krauskopf, Christine
----------child: Krauskopf, Robert
----------child: Krauskopf, Alan
----------child: Krauskopf, Janice
----------child: Krauskopf, Alfthea
Krauskopf, Albert - male
father: Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968)
mother: Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
spouse: Failleur, Jeanine
----------child: Krauskopf, George
----------child: Krauskopf, Sylvia

Krauskopf, Albert Joseph (1881 - 1957) - male
b. 20 AUG 1881
d. 10 APR 1957 in Seaforth, Ontario

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
mother: Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937)
spouse: Ballge, Edith (Ida) (1881 - 1963)
----------child: Krauskopf, Marie (~1913 - 1983)
----------child: Krauskopf, Edith (? - 1963)
----------child: Krauskopf, Albert
----------child: Krauskopf, Rose
----------child: Krauskopf, Cecilia
----------child: Krauskopf, Clement P.
----------child: Krauskopf, Margaret Rose
Krauskopf, Alfthea - female
father: Krauskopf, Albert
mother: Hillier, Patricia
Krauskopf, Aloid - male
father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1883 - 1957)
mother: Kieser, Bertha (1893 - )
spouse: Dusssault, Frances
----------child: Krauskopf, Adele
----------child: Krauskopf, Rita
Krauskopf, Amanda - female
father: Krauskopf, William Paul
mother: McDougall, June
Krauskopf, Amanda - female
father: Krauskopf, John
mother: Decaire, Patricia
Krauskopf, Angela - female
father: Krauskopf, George
mother: Rae, Diane
Krauskopf, Angela - female
mother: Krauskopf, Carol Anne
Krauskopf, Angeline - female
father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1883 - 1957)
mother: Kieser, Bertha (1893 - )
spouse: Wyman, Orville
Krauskopf, Anne - female
father: Krauskopf, Nicholas Joseph (1896 - 1980)
mother: Napier, Agnes (1903 - 1971)
spouse: Doherty, Fred
----------child: Doherty, Loranie
----------child: Doherty, Stephen
----------child: Doherty, Raymond
----------child: Doherty, Michael
----------child: Doherty, Thomas
----------child: Doherty, Jo-Anne

Krauskopf, Annie (1893 - 1980) - female
b. 23 NOV 1893
d. 2 SEP 1980

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937) (Sister M. Saint Clare, R.P.B.)
Krauskopf, Anthony - male
father: Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968)
mother: Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
Krauskopf, Arthur - male
father: Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968)
mother: Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
spouse: Failleur, Janet
----------child: Krauskopf, Paul
----------child: Krauskopf, Pauline
----------child: Krauskopf, Donald
Krauskopf, Audry Ann - female
father: Krauskopf, Francis (Frank)
mother: Kelly, Barbara
spouse: Doering, Tony
----------child: Doering, Tyler Joseph
----------child: Doering, Jennifer Elizabeth
----------child: Doering, Sarah Alexandra

Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968) - male
b. 9 SEP 1887
d. 17 OCT 1968

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
mother: Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937)
Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
- m. 1910

----------child: Krauskopf, Anthony
----------child: Krauskopf, Francis
----------child: Krauskopf, Rose
----------child: Krauskopf, Joseph
----------child: Krauskopf, Marian
----------child: Krauskopf, Clarence
----------child: Krauskopf, Albert
----------child: Krauskopf, Arthur
----------child: Krauskopf, Charles
Krauskopf, Bailey Paul - male
father: Krauskopf, David
mother: MacLeod, Tracey
Krauskopf, Bernard - male
father: Krauskopf, William
mother: De Tonnancour, Marielle
spouse: Facade, Delora
----------child: Krauskopf, Jason
----------child: Krauskopf, Phillip
Krauskopf, Bradley Joseph - male
father: Krauskopf, Terrence
mother: Bokenfohr, Debbie
Krauskopf, Brian - male
father: Krauskopf, Joseph
mother: Fleming, Alma
spouse: Brenier, Judith Ann
----------child: Krauskopf, Stacey Leigh
----------child: Krauskopf, Stephen Michael
----------child: Krauskopf, Heather Lynn
Krauskopf, Byron Ashley John - male
father: Krauskopf, Glenn
mother: McPherson, Lynn
Krauskopf, Carol Anne - female
father: Krauskopf, John
mother: Costello, Dorothy Ann
----------child: Krauskopf, Angela
Krauskopf, Catherine - female
father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1883 - 1957)
mother: Kieser, Bertha (1893 - )
spouse: Steffes, Clarence
----------child: Steffes, Joseph
----------child: Steffes, Donald
----------child: Steffes, Warren
----------child: Steffes, Bryan
----------child: Steffes, Russell
----------child: Steffes, Elaine
----------child: Steffes, Lois
Krauskopf, Catherine - female
father: Krauskopf, Nicholas Joseph (1896 - 1980)
mother: Napier, Agnes (1903 - 1971)
spouse: Feeney, William
----------child: Feeney, Sharon
----------child: Feeney, Brenda
----------child: Feeney, Francis
Krauskopf, Catherine - female
father: Krauskopf, Francis (Frank)
mother: Kelly, Barbara
spouse: Walsh, Kevin

Krauskopf, Cecilia (1891 - 1981) - female
b. 17 SEP 1891
d. 29 MAR 1981

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937) (Sister M. Victorine, S.S.J.)
Krauskopf, Cecilia - female
father: Krauskopf, Albert Joseph (1881 - 1957)
mother: Ballge, Edith (Ida) (1881 - 1963)
spouse: Johnson, Jack
----------child: Johnson, Kenneth
----------child: Johnson, Alan
----------child: Johnson, Gary
----------child: Johnson, Deborah
Krauskopf, Cecilia - female
father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1883 - 1957)
mother: Kieser, Bertha (1893 - )
spouse: Conway, Michael
----------child: Conway, Peter
----------child: Conway, Angela
----------child: Conway, Marjorie
----------child: Conway, Patricia
----------child: Conway, Maureen
----------child: Conway, Katheryn
----------child: Conway, Coleen
----------child: Conway, Terri
Krauskopf, Cecilia - female
father: Krauskopf, Nicholas Joseph (1896 - 1980)
mother: Napier, Agnes (1903 - 1971)
spouse: Schoonderwoerd, John
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Robert
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Diane
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Nancy
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Len
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Rose
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Barry Jacob
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Don
----------child: Schoonderwoerd, Dale
Krauskopf, Charity Ann - female
father: Krauskopf, Roy
mother: Cronk, Debbie
spouse: Marvin, David Everett
Krauskopf, Charles - male
father: Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968)
mother: Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
spouse: O'Shea, Cathy
----------child: Krauskopf, Maureen
----------child: Krauskopf, Patrick
Krauskopf, Cheryl Lynn - female
father: Krauskopf, Donald
mother: Mohl, Katherine
Krauskopf, Christine - female
father: Krauskopf, Albert
mother: Hillier, Patricia
spouse: Bucce, Angelo
----------child: Bucce, Angela
----------child: Bucce, Anthony
----------child: Bucce, Wayne
Krauskopf, Christine - female
father: Krauskopf, Clarence
mother: Belcott, Annie
spouse: Foster, Bryan
----------child: Foster, David
Krauskopf, Christopher - male
father: Krauskopf, Gary
Krauskopf, Clara - female
father: Krauskopf, Nicholas Joseph (1896 - 1980)
mother: Napier, Agnes (1903 - 1971)
spouse: Kramers, Norman
----------child: Kramers, Cathy
----------child: Kramers, Donna
----------child: Kramers, Mary
----------child: Kramers, Kenneth
----------child: Kramers, Wayne
----------child: Kraemer, Gary
----------child: Kramers, Terrence (Terry)
----------child: Kramers, Ann Marie
----------child: Kramers, Paul
----------child: Kramers, Marlene

Krauskopf, Clara Agnes (1898 - 1984) - female
b. 9 JUL 1898
d. 20 SEP 1984

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
mother: Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937)
Krauskopf, Clarence - male
father: Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968)
mother: Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
spouse: Belcott, Annie
----------child: Krauskopf, Christine
----------child: Krauskopf, Gerard
Krauskopf, Clement P. - male
father: Krauskopf, Albert Joseph (1881 - 1957)
mother: Ballge, Edith (Ida) (1881 - 1963)
Krauskopf, David - male
father: Krauskopf, William Paul
mother: McDougall, June
spouse: MacLeod, Tracey
----------child: Krauskopf, Adele Elizabeth
----------child: Krauskopf, Jade Rochella
----------child: Krauskopf, Bailey Paul
Krauskopf, Debra - female
father: Krauskopf, William Paul
mother: McDougall, June
spouse: Brown, Scott
----------child: Brown, Steven
Krauskopf, Donald - male
father: Krauskopf, Arthur
mother: Failleur, Janet
Krauskopf, Donald - male
father: Krauskopf, Joseph
mother: Fleming, Alma
spouse: Mohl, Katherine
----------child: Krauskopf, Cheryl Lynn
Krauskopf, Donald Douglas Buckley (Bucky) - male
father: Krauskopf, Roy
mother: Cronk, Debbie
Krauskopf, Eberhart
- male
b. in Essen, Germany

spouse: Brown, Elizabeth
----------child: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)

Krauskopf, Edith (? - 1963) - female
d. 13 MAR 1963

father: Krauskopf, Albert Joseph (1881 - 1957)
mother: Ballge, Edith (Ida) (1881 - 1963)
spouse: Lauber, Harold
----------child: Lauber, Donna
----------child: Lauber, Victorine
----------child: Lauber, Alma
----------child: Lauber, Linda
----------child: Lauber, Bonita
----------child: Lauber, Jean

Krauskopf, Elizabeth (1896 - 1968) - female
b. 18 MAR 1896
d. 22 MAY 1968

father: Krauskopf, Joseph (1852 - 1912)
mother: Foster, Mary (1858 - 1937)
spouse: Nolan, James (1887 - 1956)
----------child: Nolan, Dorothy
----------child: Nolan, Dennis
----------child: Nolan, Joseph
----------child: Nolan, Louis
----------child: Nolan, Mary
----------child: Nolan, Francis
----------child: Nolan, Vincent
----------child: Nolan, Ann
----------child: Nolan, Helen
----------child: Nolan, Patricia
----------child: Nolan, James
Krauskopf, Elizabeth - female
father: Krauskopf, Nicholas Joseph (1896 - 1980)
mother: Napier, Agnes (1903 - 1971)
spouse: Price, Robert
----------child: Price, Robert (Bobby)
----------child: Price, Elaine
----------child: Price, Ronald
----------child: Price, David
----------child: Price, Kevin
----------child: Price, Rose Ann
Krauskopf, Francis - male
father: Krauskopf, August (1887 - 1968)
mother: Zettle, Theresa (1888 - 1968)
Krauskopf, Francis (Frank) - male
father: Krauskopf, Nicholas Joseph (1896 - 1980)
mother: Napier, Agnes (1903 - 1971)
spouse: Kelly, Barbara
----------child: Krauskopf, Larry
----------child: Krauskopf, Catherine
----------child: Krauskopf, Jane
----------child: Krauskopf, Audry Ann
Krauskopf, Gary - male
father: Krauskopf, John
mother: Costello, Dorothy Ann
----------child: Krauskopf, Christopher
Krauskopf, George - male
father: Krauskopf, Albert
mother: Failleur, Jeanine
spouse: Rae, Diane
----------child: Krauskopf, Michelle
----------child: Krauskopf, Angela
----------child: Krauskopf, Jennifer Rae
Krauskopf, Gerald - male
father: Krauskopf, William
mother: De Tonnancour, Marielle
spouse: Dyer, Mary Patricia

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