previous - go to surnames
McGlothlen, Bennett Kyle
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Bertha Bernice
(1896 - ) - femaleMcGlothlen, Betty Kay
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Bieth G.
(1872 - 1874) - female!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, Burton C.
(1875 - 1943) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
Herman, Agnes (1876 - 1959)
, Viola (1884 - 1913)
- m. ABT. 1895 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Child 1 (? - <1910)
McGlothlen, Helen C.
McGlothlen, Capitola
(1896 - 1960) - female! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
AKA: Cappie
Weikert, Frank (1891 - 1961)
----------child: Weikert, Oliver Francis (private)
----------child: Weikert, Wanda Jayne (1927 - 1993)
----------child: Weikert, William (1934 - 1934)
Weikert, Wyone (1934 - 1934)
McGlothlen, Carl Lester
(1895 - 1954) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
, Louise (~1896 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Carl Lewis (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, M. E. (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, Korene (private)
McGlothlen, Geraldine
McGlothlen, Carl Lewis
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Caroline
(~1862 - ) - femaleMcGlothlen, Carrie
(1869 - ) - femaleLived at Ranier, Washington
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
spouse: Ellis, ? (~1869 - )
McGlothlen, Carrie Ann
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Carrie Cordelia
(1884 - 1973) - female! Sources:
1. Temple information per the IGI.
Turley, George Edgar (1878 - 1961)
- m. 29 APR 1908 in Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa, USA
----------child: Turley, Doris Marie (private)
----------child: Turley, Wilbur Edgar (1912 - 1937)
----------child: Turley, Wayne Lilburn (private)
Turley, Charles William (1919 - 1981)
McGlothlen, Cathie
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Chad
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Charles
(1869 - ) - maleMcGlothlen, Charles
(1886 - 1957) - male! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen
Mains, Perla May (1891 - 1931)
- m. 6 AUG 1907 in Guthrie, Iowa, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Jess Charles (1908 - 1994)
----------child: McGlothlen, Dorothy (1912 - 1990)
----------child: McGlothlen, Nell (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, Patrica Lucille (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, Ross Lincoln (private)
McGlothlen, Ruth Jean
McGlothlen, Charles
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Charles Harvey
(1876 - 1952) - male!Pictures
1. One picture of Charles and Lib (wife) at approximately the age of 30.
Framed in a "Cutberth" portrait studio frame. The back of the picture
indicated "2 1/2 miles from Monroe, Washington, Route B.
2. One picture of Charles as a young adult - labeled about 1905 - takenat the
Prosser studio at 228 East Main Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.
3. A picture of Charles and Libbie in their retirement years at the Fish
Hatchery on Stevens Pass, Washington.
4. A picture of Carrie Cordelia Turley, John McGlothlen, Clara Hartmanand
Charles McGlothlen (all brothers and sisters) at Clara Hartmans place in
Kittitas Valley, Washington.
Sterling, Libbie (1875 - 1952)
- m. 16 OCT 1907
McGlothlen, Charles L.
(1849 - 1923) - male! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
2. Copy of Certificate of Marriage.
3. Copy of news clipping regarding his death.
Burkendorf, Jennie (~1850 - )
- m. 29 DEC 1874 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
McGlothlen, James H. (1876 - )
McGlothlen, Charles Lemmuel
(1848 - 1903) - male!Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen
According to someone' notes at the 1995 McGlothlen reunion in Des Moines,
Charles Lemmuel McG had a large garden in Stuart Iowa and fed all theneedy of the community from his garden.
Buckendorf, Sarah Jane
- m. 29 DEC 1874 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa
----------child: McGlothlen, Arthur (1876 - 1894)
----------child: McGlothlen, Ernest (1878 - 1935)
----------child: McGlothlen, Oris (1881 - 1955)
----------child: McGlothlen, Alma (1882 - 1944)
----------child: McGlothlen, Charles (1886 - 1957)
----------child: McGlothlen, Ray (1889 - 1942)
----------child: McGlothlen, Murray (1894 - 1963)
McGlothlen, Capitola (1896 - 1960)
McGlothlen, Charles Lilburn
(1901 - 1959) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
1. At one time was a roomer at 617 1/2 E 5th, Waterloo, Iowa.
2. He was a barber.
1901 - 1920: Lived with his parents in Eddyville, Iowa Post Office area,on a farm that had a sod barn. He occasionally rode a horse toelementary school and told a story about being sprayed by a skunk and hisparents having to burn his clothes when he got home.
His school report cards found in family papers indicate the following:
Grade 1: Unknown - No records.
Grade 2: Report Card through October 15, 1910. (First part of school Yr)Eddyville, Iowa Public Schools. (Have foto of school.)
Name: Charles McGlothlen Teacher: Bridger Simons
Grade 3: Report Card dated June 11, 1911 for first 1/4 of 3rd grade.Ottumwa Public Schools, Irving School.
Name: Charlie McGlothlen Teacher: Julia Reardon
Also: Report Card for full school year, Sept 1911 - June 1912. Eddyville,Iowa Public Schools.
Name: Charley McGlothlen Teacher: Christena Roberts, Superentendent:Emma Nye
Grade 4: Report Card for school year, Sept 1912 - April 1913. Eddyville,Iowa Public Schools
Name: Charley McGlothlen Teacher: Unknown Supt: Unknown
Grade 5: Report Card for school year, Sept 1913 - Feb 1914. Eddyville,Iowa Public Schools.
Name: Charles McGlothlen Teacher: Unknown Supt: Unknown
Grade 6: Report Card for school year, 1915 - May 25, 1916. UnorganizedTerritory, Beltrami Co., Minn., District 25.
Name: Charlie McGlothlin Teacher: Edla Berggren Supt: Unk. Supt: W.B.Stewart
Grade 7: Report Card for school year, 1916 - May 24, 1917. UnorganizedTerritory, Beltrami Co., Minn., District 25.
Name: Charles McGlothlen Teacher: Peter L. Larson Supt: W.B. Stewart
Grade 8: Report Card for school year, 1917 - 1918. UnorganizedTerritory, Beltrami Co., Minn., District 25.
Name: Charlie McGlothlen Teacher: Mattie B. Slind, Supt: W.B. Stewart
He was 17 years old when he finished the 8th grade. His marks were highwhen he first started school, low during the 4th, 5th and 6th grades andalmost perfect during the last three years. Have one foto which showsCharles in school where he appears to be about 10 years old. Handwritingon back of foto is Elva'. Son Don remembers Charles telling the familythat he had to work on the farm instead of continuing school because hisfather was of ill health.
At age 18 in the summer of 1920, he apparently lived in Waterloo, Iowa,Blackhawk Co, as a roomer at 617 1/2 East 5th St. (per 1920 census.) Healso appears in the 1920 census. living with his father and mother at hisuncle William McGlothlen' farm in Beltrami Co, Minnesota.
1921(?) - 1928: Monroe, Wa. His parents lived in Monroe. There is a fotowith Elva' handwriting identifying it as "the McGlothlen house in theTualco valley", which is approx. 5 mi. South of Monroe. It may be thatthis house is one owned by Charles H. (Chubbs?) McGlothlen, as the 1920census shows him living in the Tualco area. (Note: In 1995, son Don andwife drove all areas of the Tualco valley, but the house no longerexists.) Charles worked in a lumber mill pond as a "gandy dancer", movinglogs to the conveyer to the main saw using a "pike". He also worked as afarm hand and Don remembers him telling of driving a Fordson tractor onfarmland in the Tualco valley.
His back was injured in an auto accident on the old Monroe bridge in the1920', where he was thrown off the bridge and landed on his back on asandbank in the center of the river. (This wooden trestle bridge,located on the South side of Monroe at the beginning of the Monroe -Duvall read has since been replaced with a new bridge.) He was taken tohis parents home to live or die and was bedridden for many days. Hisback grew together from about halfway on down, and from that time on, hecould not easily bend over but had to bend his knees to pick anything upfrom the floor. Don remembers that he never complained about hurting orbeing tired in front of him.
About 1929, Charles attended Mohler' Barber College in Seattle,Washington. Married Elva Noreen MacDougall in the Rectory of the GraceMethodist Church in Bellingham Wa., on September 4, 1929. Their firsthome address was a rental house at 7006 2nd Northwest, Seattle. Don wasborn on the second floor of the Monroe hospital on March 10, 1931. Atthat time the hospital was a two story brick structure on the mainbusiness district street. Charles and Elva apparantly lived in a rentalhouse in Monroe or Duvall at that time. Fotos exist showing Charles,Elva, Don and Charles parents outside that house. A comparison with otherphotos needs to be made to determine if the house shown in the photos wasCharlie and Lib' house, instead of Mac and Elva' rental house.) Thefamily then moved to moved to Duvall, Wa (where Mac had been told therewas opportunity for a barber?) and lived there until Don was 11 monthsold (i.e., until about February, 1932), when the family moved to Buckley,Wa. There, Charles opened MAC' BARBER SHOP. His SS# was 535-28-7170.
The first Buckley home was at 212(?) Cottage Avenue, just south of whatis now Mason Street (Mason street was then a logging railroad). Not longthereafter, Mac' mother, Emma Hargesheimer McGlothlen, came to live withthe family. The house was rented from Olaf Lund, who lived in the nexthouse to the South, which he also owned. (Olaf owned and ran themeatmarket on Main St, adjacent to and West of MAC' BARBER SHOP. Mac andOlaf became friends and the family visited Olaf' large log hunting lodgeEast of Spiketon (3 miles Southeast of Buckley) in the 1930'.) Thefamily lived at 212(?) Cottage avenue when Gary was born at Mahlon' Home in Buckley on November 4, 1938. The second house was at 1515B St, which was purchased in 1941 for about $1500. P.O. Box 284 was themailing address throughout the time in Buckley. (The 1515 B St house wassold furnished in 1955 for about $4500.)
He was known as Chuck in Monroe but as Mac in Buckley. Elva alwayscalled him Chuck. He enjoyed working in the garden, which measured 60by 120 feet, at the 1515 B St home. He grew Black Raspberries, RedRaspberries, Gooseberries, Beets, Carrots, Beets. Cabbage Cauliflower,Lettuce, Corn, Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Squash, Bush Beans and Pole Beans.Blackberries were picked each year in the woods south of Buckley, nearSpiketon creek.
He and Elva grew pansies as a commercial venture for three years, sellingto stores in Buckley and Sumner. The pansy seeds were ordered from aseed catalog the first year, planted in the fall, then transplanted inthe spring and boxed and sold in the early summer. In the second andthird years, seed from plants supplemented the purchased seed. Donremembers the pansy seed costing $16 per ounce and that the family hadmoney for only two or three ounces, which could easily be held in thepalm of one hand. Chuck was knowledgeable about farming and had riversand brought in and rototilled into the loam in order to improve the soildrainage. He worked hard in the garden and all the plants grew well.Don remembers that during the depression, food was not always plentifulin the house. The most impressionable time for Don was in the mid thirtyswhen there was only bread and milk for dinner and
his parents ate lightly to make sure Don had enough to eat.
Chuck smoked Camel brand cigarettes, essentially all of his adult life,typically, about two packs a day. He stopped drinking, except for anoccasional beer, at Elva' request very early in their marriage. He andthe family went on picnics to Spiketon creek (3 miles South of Buckley)and to Lake Tapps (7 miles West of Buckley). The family dog, a mostlyblack with some tan color mongrel Fox Terrier named "Tippie", often wentalong. Chuck made fishing poles from bamboo sticks about 8 feet long,which had been cut into sections, with metal sockets for joining andferrules for guiding the line and metal clips added to hold the reel, allattached with varnished thread windings. Chuck was skilled at makingthese. Small perch, bass and trout were caught and sometimes cleaned andfried in butter and flour for the picnic lunch. At some of the picnics,Chuck would pick up a long stick, about ten feet long. He would hold oneend while Tippie would take the other end in his teeth and growling, pullhis end of the stick around in a big circle with Chuck at the center.Chuck had several cars in the 1930'. Don first remembers a black fourdoor touring car with "Iszing" (sp?) glass windows in removable sidecurtains. (This may have been the car shown in the family fotos with theposter over the rear spare tire.) Then there was a 1929 or 1931Oldsmobile sedan, then a 1930-ish Buick club coupe, then a green 1937
Chevrolet 4 door master deluxe sedan, then a two tone green 1941Studebaker President "Skyway" club coupe (first car built in the UnitedStates with a one piece curved windshield), then a blue 1940 Chevrolet
master 85 club coupe, and then the only new car the family bought, agreen 1950 Hudson Pacemaker 4 door sedan. (Elva drove that car for sometime after Chuck died, then bought a two tone blue and white 1962 RamblerClassic 4 door sedan, then the white 1967 Buick Riviera which son Don andSiv had bought new, then a Maroon 1986 Dodge Aires 4 door sedan abouteight months before she passed away.) Chuck knew a good "deal" and soldsome of the early family cars for parts, getting more money in thatmanner than he had originally paid for the whole car. Don remembers thatthe engine from the Buick club coupe was used to run a saw in a shinglemill througout World War 2. The shingle mill was located South of Mainstreet in Buckley, just East of where highway 410 is now. (It was locatedjust South of where the Buckley library location as of 1995.)
Chuck had steam baths and showers in the back of the Buckley Barber Shopwhich were used primarily by the loggers when they came down to town fromthe logging camps for a week end. The railroad to the logging camps wason what is now Mason Avenue in Buckley. This was used to bring logs fromthe woods to the Buckley mill as well as on to Tacoma and beyond. Creditwas a way of life for the loggers at the barber shop, as they did notwork either in the winter, due to snow, or in the hot summer, due to firedanger. As a result, Chuck' take home pay in the 1930' was sometimesvery little - as low as five dollars a week, Don remembers being told.Don remembers Chuck making home made cider and root beer. Don alsoremembers everyone being afraid to go near the fruit storage closet onthe back porch at 1515 B Street when the root beer bottles started toexplode. Chuck said he probably should not have put raisins in themix.....
In 1947, 1948, he and Elva decided to move to Okanogan, Wa., where Elva' sister Jeanette and husband Al Whitfield ran the local mortuary. Thefamily stayed there for only a few months before returning to Buckley inlate 1948. Elva worked at The Buckley Nursery during that time. Charlesand Elva bought a new 1950 Hudson Pacemaker in 1951 for about $2,000,from the Puyallup Hudson dealer, Gifford Motors, where Don worked as amechanic.
In 1955, Chuck and Elva decided to move to Spokane and sold the Buckleyhouse. They rented a house in Opportunity, Wa, East of Spokane, in adistrict known as Greenacres(?).
Chuck died from pneumonia on March 31, 1959. His funeral was in Monroeat the Purdy Funeral home during the first week of April, 1959, and thegraveside committal in the family plot at the Monroe IOOF Cemetaryoccurred during a beautiful spring day with the sun shining through theclouds during the service.
Chuck was inherently extremely kind and gentle and found it hard topunish his children when they misbehaved. He enjoyed talking and playingpoker with his friends but his most apparent enjoyable pasttime wasworking each year in the large family garden.
MARR PLAC Grace Methodist Church, Bellingham, Wa
MacDougall, Elva Norene Dempster (1906 - 1990)
- m. 4 SEP 1929 in Bellingham, Washington, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Donald Charles (private)
McGlothlen, Gary G.
McGlothlen, Charles M.
(1780 - 1850) - male! Sources:
1. Temple information per the IGI.
Davis, Jane M. (1780 - 1863)
- m. 1802 in Jefferson, Tennessee, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Elizabeth M. (1804 - 1822)
----------child: McGlothlen, Rebecca Jane (1806 - 1870)
----------child: McGlothlen, Nancy M. (1808 - 1822)
----------child: McGlothlen, John Davis (1810 - 1878)
----------child: McGlothlen, George Harlan (1812 - 1895)
----------child: McGlothlen, Sarah Miranda (1814 - 1838)
----------child: McGlothlen, Thomas Davis (1816 - 1905)
----------child: McGlothlen, Mary Keeney (1820 - 1901)
----------child: McGlothlen, Jane M. (1822 - 1846)
----------child: McGlothlen, Jonathan Keeney (1824 - 1862)
McGlothlen, Eleanor Jane Davis (1828 - 1904)
McGlothlen, Charles Washington
(1844 - 1844) - male! Sources:
1. Temple information from the IGI.
McGlothlen, Charles William
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Cheryl
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Child 1
(? - <1910)!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, Child 1
(private)McGlothlen, Child 1
(private)McGlothlen, Child 1
(private)McGlothlen, Child 2
(private)McGlothlen, Child 2
(private)McGlothlen, Child 2
(private)McGlothlen, Child 3
(private)McGlothlen, Child 3
(private)McGlothlen, Childone
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Christina Marie
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Christine Ann
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Christopher Charles
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Clara Ellen
(1876 - 1963) - femaleMcGlothlen, Clara Luellen
(1881 - 1957) - femaleMcGlothlen, Clarence Winfield
(1875 - 1956) - male! Sources:
1. Temple information per the IGI.
Wilkins, Arvesta E.
- m. 5 JAN 1898 in Polk, Iowa
McGlothlen, Harry
McGlothlen, Clarice
(1929 - 1984) - female!Sources
1. Letter from Verne McGlothlen
Bartlette, Donald L. (1929 - 1979)
- m. 21 APR 1951 in Tulare, Tulare Co., California
Bartlette, Steven L.
McGlothlen, Collene
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Daniel C.
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, David Lilburn
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, David Ray
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Della Elizabeth
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Dennis Bruce
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Denny Wayne
(1900 - 1901) - female! Sources:
1. Temple information per the IGI.
McGlothlen, Denny Wayne
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Dion
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Donald Charles
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Donald Lee
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Dorothy
(1912 - 1990) - female! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
spouse: Anderson, Dale (private)
McGlothlen, Dorothy Louise
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Edith
(1882 - 1882) - femaleMcGlothlen, Edward
(1873 - ) - maleMcGlothlen, Eleanor
(~1838 - ) - femaleMcGlothlen, Eleanor Jane Davis
(1828 - 1904) - female! Sources:
1. Temple information per the IGI.
Kirkpatrick, Thomas B. (1828 - 1854)
- m. 28 DEC 1848 in Wapello, Iowa, USA
----------child: Kirkpatrick, Castilla Jane (1850 - )
----------child: Kirkpatrick, Samantha (1852 - <1904)
----------child: Kirkpatrick, Belle Lilace (1854 - 1873)
Newhouse, Issac Taylor (~1825 - 1891)
- m. 13 MAR 1856
Newhouse, James (1860 - 1884)
McGlothlen, Eliza E
(1833 - ) - female! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
2. Letter from Georgia Reynolds to Verne McGlothlen in which
she quotes from the John Davis McGlothlen bible.
McGlothlen, Elizabeth
(~1860 - ) - femaleMcGlothlen, Elizabeth Ann
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Elizabeth M.
(1804 - 1822) - femaleMcGlothlen, Elsie
(~1900 - ~1900) - femaleMcGlothlen, Elvin
(1898 - 1900) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
Elvin was buried in the Highland Cemetary in Eddyville, Iowa.
McGlothlen, Emily
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Emily Nadean
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Emma
(1867 - 1958) - femaleMcGlothlen, Erma Frances
- femaleMcGlothlen, Ernest
(1878 - 1935) - male!Sources
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen
Fox, Mamie
----------child: McGlothlen, Irene (~1900 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Eva (~1900 - )
McGlothlen, Mabel
McGlothlen, Ernest Ray
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Estella
(1875 - ) - femaleLived at St Thomas, Washington
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
spouse: Pauly, ? (~1867 - )
McGlothlen, Ethel
(1882 - 1936) - femaleMcGlothlen, Eva
(~1900 - ) - female! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
Trent, Virgil
spouse: Trent, Clarence
McGlothlen, Robert (1949 - 1974)
McGlothlen, Faye Ernest
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Fern
(1895 - 1952) - femaleMcGlothlen, Floyd
(? - 1959) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
Tennis, Mildred (~1882 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Joan (~1902 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Gerald Manly (~1903 - )
McGlothlen, Marjorie Helen
McGlothlen, Forest E.
(1907 - 1989) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McCabe, Maxine (1910 - 1993)
- m. in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
McGlothlen, Harriet L.
McGlothlen, Frances Pauline
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Francis Wilhelmina
(1886 - 1962) - femaleMcGlothlen, Frank
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Frederic Lilburn
(1872 - 1872) - male!Burial
Buried in the McGlothlen Cemetary a few miles outside of Eddyville.
McGlothlen, Gary G.
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gary Michael
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gaye Lilburn
(1910 - 1993) - male!ADDRESS
Sleadd, Mary Catherine (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, David Lilburn (private)
McGlothlen, Betty Kay
McGlothlen, George Benton
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, George Harlan
(1812 - 1895) - maleMcGlothlen, George M.
(1853 - ) - maleMcGlothlen, George Marion
(1858 - 1931) - maleMcGlothlen, George Washington
(1885 - 1918) - maleMcGlothlen, George William
(1844 - ) - maleGeneral Lived in Bremerton, Washington
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
2. vb, 1900WacenV18S4ED222L1 per Don McGlothlen.
3. Oscar McGlothlen discussion dated 3/30/1996 per Don McGlothlen.
Goudy, Sarah Ann
- m. 9 JUN 1864
Pierce, Electra (1847 - )
- m. BEF. 1880
----------child: McGlothlen, Martha Elizabeth (1867 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Carrie (1869 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Lesinda (1871 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Bell (1873 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Estella (1875 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Thomas S. (1876 - 1930)
----------child: McGlothlen, Lenora (1879 - )
----------child: McGlothlen, Gerome (1885 - )
McGlothlen, Josie L (1887 - )
McGlothlen, Georgia Marie
(1915 - 1981) - femaleGeorgia was a member of the Iowa Genealogical Society. The Societylibrary and
office is located at 6000 Douglas Avenue, P.O. Box 7735, Des Moines, Iowa
50322. Phone 515-276-0287.
1. Letter from daughter, Pat Krebs.
Reynolds, Gerald Hilton (private)
Reynolds, Patricia Marie
McGlothlen, Gerald Erwin
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gerald Manly
(~1903 - ) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, Gerald Orrin
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Geraldine
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Gerome
(1885 - ) - maleLived in Bremerton Washington
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, Gordon
(~1905 - ~1935) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
, Lillian (private)
spouse: Barnhardt, Orpha (private)
McGlothlen, Childone
McGlothlen, Gordon
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gordon Leonard
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gordon Leonard
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gordon Walter
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Gregory Charles
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Grover Cleveland
(1892 - 1970) - male!pictures
Several pictures of Grover and his wife, Minnie and his son LaMonte arefound in the Jacob Lilburn McGlothlen picture album.
1. Grover and Minnie in 1956 when their address was 903 Lincoln Street,Galesburg, Ill. Picture taken at the Universal Studios in St Paul,Minnesota.
2. Grover and Minnie and son LaMonte in about 1919. Date estimate basedon fact that LaMonte looks to be about 3 years old. Picture taken atWallace Studio in Ft Madison, Iowa.
3. Little picture of Grover when he was about 8 years old.
4. Picture of Grover when he had a beard at the homestead in Minnesota,standing in front of a wood house about 1916.
5. Snapshop of Minnie, Grover, Cordie, Annie, John and Clara, allbrothers and sisters. Taken about 1953.
Ottumwa Cemetary, Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa
Fern, Minnie Victoria (1892 - )
- m. JUN 1910
McGlothlen, LaMonte Carrol
McGlothlen, Guy Verne
(1903 - 1986) - male!ADDRESS
1. Letter from Verne G. McGlothlen
Franklin, Beulah Smith (private)
Herbig, Hilda Marie (1902 - 1970)
- m. ABT. 1924
----------child: McGlothlen, Clarice (1929 - 1984)
----------child: McGlothlen, Verne Gordon (private)
McGlothlen, Denny Wayne
McGlothlen, Harold E.
(1924 - 1973) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
Union Cemetary in Iowa Falls, Iowa.
Hayden, Marvis (private)
Rayburn, Betty (? - 1975)
- m. in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Tina (1951 - 1952)
----------child: McGlothlen, Amy (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, Michael R. (private)
----------child: McGlothlen, Martin (private)
McGlothlen, Merry Martha
McGlothlen, Harold M.
(1905 - 1980) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
Laural Hill Cemetary, Des Moines, Iowa
Keener, Lena (1904 - 1974)
- m. 20 JUL 1923 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Harold E. (1924 - 1973)
McGlothlen, Sally Ann
McGlothlen, Harriet L.
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Harry
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Harry Leland
(1896 - 1954) - male!Sources
1. Conversation with niece, Nona Hamel Draper
No children.
Ayers, Clarice (1900 - 1986)
, Delpha
McGlothlen, Hazel Marie
(1894 - 1989) - female!Sources
1. Letter from Nona Draper
At the Wasatch Lawn Cemetary.
Heess, Emaneul Jacob (1885 - 1945)
- m. 1 JAN 1912 in Winnemucca, Humboldt, Nevada, USA
----------child: Heess, Arwell (1917 - 1917)
----------child: Heess, Donald (private)
----------child: Heess, Harry (private)
Hamel, William Waldo (1896 - 1984)
- m. 26 SEP 1918 in Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming, USA
----------child: Hamel, Juanita Marie (private)
----------child: Hamel, Nona Mae (private)
----------child: Hamel, Wilma Jean (private)
Hamel, William Waldo
McGlothlen, Heather
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Helen
(1910 - 1910) - femaleMcGlothlen, Helen C.
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Helen Hortence
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Hughie
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Ida May
- female!Sources
1. Letter from Anna Olsen
Crossan, Edwin Chadd
Crossan, Mary Alice (1906 - 1944)
McGlothlen, Infant
(1923 - 1923) - female!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, Irene
(1898 - 1993) - femaleMcGlothlen, Irene
(~1900 - ) - female!Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
Starr, Valley
----------child: Starr, Marcella Mae (private)
Starr, Dean
McGlothlen, Isaac Clinton
(1892 - 1913) - maleMcGlothlen, Jackson D.
(1842 - ) - male! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
2. Letter from Georgia Reynolds to Verne McGlothlen in which she quotesfrom the John Davis McGlothlen bible.
McGlothlen, Jacob Edward
(1873 - 1929) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
Born in center Township, North of River.
He went by the nickname Ed.
Hargesheimer, Emma Amelia (1866 - 1938)
- m. 10 APR 1898 in Eddyville, Wapello, Iowa, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Elvin (1898 - 1900)
McGlothlen, Charles Lilburn (1901 - 1959)
McGlothlen, Jacob Lilburn
(1845 - 1925) - male!Pictures
Several pictures are found in the Jacob Lilburn McGlothlen photo album.These
were received from various relatives.
1. Picture of Jacob and Mary Jane, wife, when they were fairly elderly,
estimated to be about 1905. Picture was originally in a cardboard framefrom
the Pierce photo studio - location unknown.
2. A postcard picture of Jacob and Mary Jane at the homestead inMinnesota
about 1917.
3. A round portrait of Mary Jane Meenach McGlothlen mounted in a framefrom
Elite Studio - over Cullens Store - in Ottumwa, Iowa. About 1905.
4. Picture of Jacob about 1905 mounted in a frame from GiltnerStudio/Bell
5. Picture of Jacob about 1885 from The Wallace Studio/ Henry Elmgaard,
Meenach, Mary Jane (1846 - 1921)
- m. 4 AUG 1867 in Eddyville, Wapello, Iowa, USA
----------child: McGlothlen, Martha Ann (1868 - 1955)
----------child: McGlothlen, Thomas William Wesley (1870 - 1946)
----------child: McGlothlen, Frederic Lilburn (1872 - 1872)
----------child: McGlothlen, Jacob Edward (1873 - 1929)
----------child: McGlothlen, Charles Harvey (1876 - 1952)
----------child: McGlothlen, Ora Jackson (1878 - 1894)
----------child: McGlothlen, Clara Luellen (1881 - 1957)
----------child: McGlothlen, Carrie Cordelia (1884 - 1973)
----------child: McGlothlen, Francis Wilhelmina (1886 - 1962)
----------child: McGlothlen, John Lilburn (1889 -
McGlothlen, Grover Cleveland (1892 - 1970)
McGlothlen, James F.
(1838 - 1872) - male! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
2. Letter from Georgia Reynolds to Verne McGlothlen in which
she quotes from the John Davis McGlothlen bible.
Sutton, Catherine M.
McGlothlen, Minnie Myrtle (1868 - 1963)
McGlothlen, James H.
(1876 - ) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, James W.
- maleMcGlothlen, Jane Ann
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jane M.
(1822 - 1846) - femaleMcGlothlen, Janice Rene'
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jasper Newton
(1856 - 1939) - maleMcGlothlen, Jeanie Ruth
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jennifer
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jennifer Denise
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jennifer Sue
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jerri Lynn
(private) - femaleMcGlothlen, Jerry Lee
(private) - maleMcGlothlen, Jerry Wayne
(1950 - 1970) - male!Sources
1. Letter from Don McGlothlen
McGlothlen, Jess Charles
(1908 - 1994) - male! Sources:
1. Records of Verne Gordon McGlothlen.
spouse: Albrecht, Gertrude (private)
McGlothlen, Joan
(~1902 - ) - femaleMcGlothlen, Joann
(private) - femalenext - go to surnames
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