Volume 2 # 5
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Welcome to the newest newsletter members:
Mark:16:1: And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
Mark:16:2: And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
Mark:16:3: And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
Mark:16:4: And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.
Mark:16:5: And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
Mark:16:6: And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.
Mark:16:7: But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.
Mark:16:8: And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.
Mark:16:9: Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.
Mark:16:10: And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.
Mark:16:11: And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, believed not.
Mark:16:12: After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.
Mark:16:13: And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed they them.
Mark:16:14: Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
Mark:16:15: And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark:16:16: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Mark:16:17: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mark:16:18: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Mark:16:19: So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
Mark:16:20: And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
I'd like to compile a list of the books, newsletters, etc.; that anyone may be willing to do look ups in. If you're willing to participate send me a list of what you have so I can create a list.
From the inbox.....
From: Daniel @drain Keeney
Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 15:46
Subject: A very powerful way to get your message across...please, forward to everyone you know now!
Dear family and friends,
There are precious few places online where you can express your concerns freely, and we wind up endlessly looping forwards within our own private circles (which usually wind up on commercial email lists). To be effective, you must first be heard. CowcreekGeek, as the proud sponsor of Keeney.com, wishes to do this:
http://www.keeney.com/cowcreekgeek/read-this.htm will provide links to any truth:
There is also a God@Heaven section for spiritually uplifting quotes and stories...
Send your responses or concerns to
concerns@keeney.comSend your issues or stories to
submissions@keeney.com*Please include links or references to supportive information where possible, and know that we pursue corruption: statements required for allegations of illegal activities, and we welcome the chance to help.
Your humble servant of Keeney.com,
Daniel @drian Keeney
In that nobody has sent in new data this past month, this comes from the main database. The information came from several different people.
7 Generations of theDescendants of John Hiram Keeney (1804 - 1857)Generation No. 1
1. J
OHN HIRAM4 KEENEY (JONATHAN ANTHONY3, JOHN JONATHAN2, JOHN DAVID1) was born 22 December 1804 in Near Jefferson City, Tennessee, and died 02 September 1857 in Pittsboro, Hendricks Co., Indiana. He married MARY CARRIE CRUSAN/KRUSAN 12 July 1825 in Union Co, Union, Indiana, daughter of JOSEPH CRUSAN/KRUSAN and ELLEN BURNET. She was born Bet. 1805 - 1806 in Xenia, Ohio, and died 02 June 1898 in Hendricks, Indiana.Notes for J
1. Records of Jim Robertson
2. Records of Patricia Kaufman of
3. Keeney Update - January 1994
!BIRTH-DEATH: 2,597 Keeney Relatives, Roscoe C Keeney Jr.
!RELATIONSHIP: The Keeney and Bersot Families, Virginia Keeney Coats
!LAND: Sec 34 T 17 N R 1W 80 acres, Hendricks Co IN; November 25, 1835
!MARRIAGE: 8713501 #74
!CENSUS: 1840: Hendricks Co IN
!CENSUS: 1850; Middle, Hendricks, IN; age 45; #903/913; Farmer $2000
!RELIGION: Big White Lick Baptist Church; 12 Oct 1833
Buried in Old White Tick Cemetery
More About J
OHN HIRAM KEENEY:Burial: Unknown, Old White Tick Cementery, Pittsboro, Indiana
Notes for M
1. Keeney Update - January 1994
!RELATIONSHIP: "2,597 Keeney Relatives" by Roscoe C. Keeney
!LAND: 1878; 40 acres (north 1/2 of original 80 acres
!MARRIAGE: at time of marriage, was living in Xenia, OH
!CENSUS: 1850; Union, Hendricks, IN; age 44
!CENSUS: 1860; Union, Hendricks, IN; age 52; $1400/964; illiterate
!CENSUS: 1870; Middle, Hendricks, IN; age 59 $3500 land $400 other
From VKC book: "Murat gives Mary's age at death at 93+. Census records are
interesting regarding her age. The 1850 census lists Mary's age as 44 and
John's as 45. Ten years later she is listed as age 52, and in the 1870 census
her age is given as 59. As of now we have no record of her exact date of
birth. Would we all could age only 7 or 8 years each ten!"
More About M
ARY CARRIE CRUSAN/KRUSAN:Burial: Unknown, Pittsboro, Hendricks, Indiana, White Lick
Children of J
OHN KEENEY and MARY CRUSAN/KRUSAN are:2. i. MARY ELLEN5 KEENEY, b. 22 January 1827, Holt, Missouri; d. 16 May 1860, Hendricks, Indiana.
ii. JONATHAN M. KEENEY, b. 18 June 1829, Holt, Missouri; d. 06 February 1847, Hendricks, Indiana.
1. Keeney Update - January 1994
Burial: Unknown, Hendricks, Indiana, White Lick
3. iii. REV. JOHN FRANKLIN KEENEY, b. 09 August 1832, Carlisle, Warren Co., Iowa; d. 21 May 1913, Middle T., Hendricks Co., Indiana.
4. iv. CHARLES WILLIS KEENEY, b. 01 November 1835, Montgomery, Indiana; d. 20 April 1915, Lizton, Hendricks Co., Indiana.
5. v. ELIZABETH ANN KEENEY, b. 04 August 1838, Lizton, Hendricks, Indiana; d. Unknown.
vi. CHARLOTTE CATHERINE KEENEY, b. 17 December 1840, Lizton, Hendricks, Indiana; d. 12 May 1846, Pittsboro, Hendricks, Indiana.
1. Keeney Update - January 1994
Burial: Unknown, Pittsboro, Hendricks, Indiana, White Lick
6. vii. MATILDA JANE KEENEY, b. 31 July 1843, Hendricks, Indiana; d. 04 August 1912, Pittsboro, Hendricks, Indiana.
7. viii. JOSEPH DARIUS KEENEY, b. 06 April 1846, Lizton, Hendricks, Indiana; d. Aft. 1900.
8. ix. JAMES BARNABUS KEENEY, b. 31 August 1853, Lizton, Hendricks, Indiana; d. 1929.
Date: Saturday, 25 March 2000 07:03
Subject: Keeney search on E-Bay turned this up
Dan, not sure if this would be of interest to the list. I found it when searching Keeney photos & genealogy under E-Bay. Cindy
"Amos-Beverly-Keeney-Goodale-Miller-many more
Our Ancestry by Hazel Crane Amos Shawnee Chapter Nat.D.A.R. No. 375581
Shawnee, Kansas written in 1955
Surnames-Amos, Beverly, Keeney, Goodale, Graham (Crane), Miller, Walton, Harrod, Zoll, Thomas, Sauvain, Garrett, Keller, Glayzer, Howard
Pictures included-I E. Paul Amos taken 1953 E. Paul Amos Funeral Home George W. Amos taken 1913 Philetus Beverly at 102 years,his son, Dwight Charles Beverly, His daughter,Edna corene Beverly Amos, Her daughter Lola Claire(Amos) Jones Her daughter, Margaret Jane and son llewellyn Jones Ezra Keeney, Almira(Dexter) Keeney Joseph and Allie M. Goodale Crane-wedding picture taken Nov. 17 .1889 Fred Keeney,Minnie and Richard Thomas Keeney Aug 1929 The Home of Richard Thomas Keeney Rebecca (Bird) Goodale Goodale Family-Taken 1905 Crane children taken 1914 Miller family Robin larry Howard Gregg Edward Amos The dust cover is torn both at the top and bottom The book is clean with no marking or torn pages Buyer to pay $3.20 postage + $.35 for delivery confirmation in US. Payment to be made in US Funds." Email
contact - marrush@iswt.com
Keeney Forums (Message boards)
2.keeney.com 3. Family Tree Maker 4. Family History (Ancestry)
If you would like to sign up for a Keeney mailing list for posting research questions click on this link KEENEY-L-request@rootsweb.com and put only the word subscribe in the message body nothing else
Microwave and optical SETI located in the Greater Fort Wayne Area, Canada.
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The Keeney House on Big Pine Key, Florida: 5 Bed/3 Bath
Vacation Rentals Int'l, Inc. - The Vacationer's Guide to the World - Where would you like to take your next vacation? Click and go! Featuring international vacation rental and vacation-related business listings, comprehensive vacation planners, and
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"Extra" Index || "Extra" A..Z || About || Reference Info. || Home Page || Search (Keeneth) Previous || Next (Keeneys Creek) --> Keeney Keeney is the 3,767th most popular last name (surname) in the United States; frequency is 0.003%; percentile is...
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Looking for.....
Posted by Garry Keeney on March 04, 19100 at 11:04:01:
has anyone got any information on Keeney's from glenfinan. my father is john keeney he was born there his father was a policeman. that's all the info I have
From: The Guestbook @ keeney.com
Name: Clare G. Keeney
Location: Campbell, Ca. USA
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 19100 at 15:24:16
I come from a long line of Iowa Keeneys, many of whom were farmers. Frederick Morris Keeney was my great grandfather and it goes on from there. I currently live in California. Dennis Keeney retired, Iowa State/Leopold center, sent me this address. I'd like to hear from anyone who might connect with our branch of the family. Clare G. Keeney
Updated & new e-mail addresses
Name | Old Address | New Address | Additional Address |
Len Keeney | lkeeney@cmw.ca | ||
F. D. Keeney | FDKEENEY@aol.com | ||
Ann McDonald | Almmcd@aol.com | ||
Thomas Oaks Keeney, Jr. | TOK5150@aol.com |
None sent in.
The Keeney Reunion in Ireland has been canceled due to a lack of interest |
From the Keeney Update of March 2000
The family of Rev. Thornas Y. Keeney invites Keeney descendants, including their Gatewood and White kin, as well as many other names (Bonham, Young, Bowles, Montague, Stanley, Weaver, Baughan, Carte and others) to a MEMORIAL WEEK-END 2000 FAMILY CELEBRATION at Witcher, Kanawha County.
The REUNION will include: REGISTRATION beginning about 9:30 A,M. May 28 at the Witcher Baptist Church
MORNING WORSHIP with Witcher Baptists, with some participation from reunion guests
LUNCH/DINNER following morning worship in the Fellowship Hall of the church (food catered)
AN AFTERNOON SHARING SESSION and opportunity to meet relatives you've never met and hear how God has blessed them over the years
A MEMOIZIA1, SERVICE at Witcher Cemetery where Keeneys have been buried since the early 1800's.
COST& PRE-REGSTRATION In order that the sponsors will know how Much food to buy, etc., You are asked to pre-register and send a check ($5 for each adult and $2 for each child) for each family. List first and last names of those coming so identification badges can be prepared in advance
Tel. 304-574-9018
REUNION SPONSORS Rev David A. Sneed, grandson of Emory S. Keeney and Judy Keeney Short, Youngest daughter of Ernory S. Keeney, and many cousins
Annual Keeney Reunion
05 August 2000 & 06 August 2000
We have a Keeney reunion that attracts family from all over the world, but especially the Tri-State area, thanks to the efforts of Hannah & Milly and Roscoe. Come to our website and talk about it at http://www.keeney.com/chat or bbs.
Location: Yet to be determined Near Charleston, West Virginia, WV U.S.
Contact: Daniel @. Keeney
Does anybody know of any family Reunions? If so send information & I'll include it here.
Find a family reunion @ FamilyReunion.com �
get Reunion Calendar search for your site FREE!25 March 2000 17:45:11 Pacific Standard Time
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