Keeney Family Genealogy | ||
Volume 3 # 8 July 2001 | | Edited by Dan Keeney |
Table of Contents
Ramblings | Welcome | The Inbox.. |
Miscellaneous | Keeney Update | Back Issues |
Contributed items |
Hello Everyone,
I owe Gwen
an apology when she signed up for the newsletter she sent in quite a bit of data on John KEENEY b. Jun 1712 & I missed it, sorry Gwen.
For those of you that use a Windows based computer would you be interested in a screen saver (based on the first page of each issue 62 to date) of Roscoe's Keeney Update?
The size is 1.56 Mb 62Issues.exe. I also made one of just the first 4 issues that's 414kb in size the file name is 4Issues.exe (these are self installing).
This months installment of Wagon Ruts West is missing 2 pages, I'm trying to get a hold of them and will let you know when I have them up.
For those of you that are finding the Roscoe C. Keeney, Jr's Keeney Updates useful please consider sending him a donation so he can keep publishing them, also we all owe Patsy Litten a thank you for continuing with the proofreading of the scanned text & doing the index for the issues.
I was thinking of a new section for the newsletter "Bookmarks" send in your favorite / useful bookmarks on any subject.
Welcome to the newest subscribers
Belinda Yeager | Renee Keeney Ginn | Joy Sheree Martin |
Keeney Updates
volume 2 number 3 June 1985 & volume 2 number 4 September 1985
To view this issue use the links found on the following page:
From the inbox.....
From: Laura Keeney Zavala
Date: Sunday, May 27, 2001 17:43
Subject: trying to trace my Keeney history
Hi Dan, My name is Laura Keeney Zavala and I am just beginning to trace my family's history. I am hoping that you can help me. My great-grandfather is named Arthur Keeney, Sr. That is all I have to go on. I know this is a needle in a haystack but do you have anything on him? I believe he was from Connecticut and married Gertrude Treat if my memory is correct. I am trying to compile some family history as a surprise for my dad so if you can help I'd greatly appreciate it! |
Thanks, Laura |
From the Message Board
Posted by Richard M. Keeney on June 03, 2001 at 14:12:20:
Cecil Madison Keeney son of Pete Keeney and Gertrude Keeney of Russel, Kentucky first moved to Washington D.C. after Cecil got out of the navy where he served during the war. He moved their with his wife (Ruth Clyde Burris Keeney of Raceland, Kentucky) and their two sons, Michael Dewayne Keeney and Richard Madison Keeney. From there they moved to Camp Hill, Pennsylvania and then to Bel Air, Maryland. Cecil Keeney eventually bought Equitable Shipyards in New Orleans and moved in the early 70's to New Orleans. Michael and Richard followed after graduation from college. Michael has two children by his wife Elizabeth Malespin Keeney whose names are Natalie and Nicholas. Richard has two children by his first wife Constance Lampos Keeney McMullan whose names are Sean Madison Keeney and Amy Michele Keeney. Sean has three children by his wife Jamie Clark Keeney whose names are Christian, Carson and Charlie. Richard Keeney is divorsed from Constance and is remarried to Dawnne Slattery Keeney of New Orleans.
Posted by WARREN MC DONALD KEENEY on June 24, 2001 at 12:26:39:
Trying to find family members of the Keeney family that traveled from Bristol Co. to Salem Oregon.
Posted by helen keeney martin on June 24, 2001 at 19:47:59:
I have just gotten interested in tracing my roots. MY grandfather was James M. Keeney, born in Texas. My father was James Forrest keeney born in Chappel, Texas Oct. 1908, and passed away Jan 2001. They went into New Mexico and worked as loggers and got into uranium. I remember stories of family members named Alvie and Margie Keeney from Post, Texas. I do not have a lot of info, but I know somewhere I must have cousins. This is a great website.
(Additional info sent by e-mail): Alvie and Margie Keeney lived in Post,Texas and had a large turkey farm. this group of Keeney's married into the Harrell group still living in San Saba, Texas
Contributed Items
Sent in by Carolena Deeney directory
Here's an interesting story written by an Aunt. Adeline Mathilda Keeney was the daughter of James Kimber Keeney & Lucinda B. Pemberton and the granddaughter of William S. Keeney & Jane Simmons
Grandma Floyd
by Jean (Floyd) McKillips
She was born Adeline Mathilda Keeney on January 13, 1876, in Iowa. She was 16 when she married Grandpa. She adored him (as he did her) and it was a love affair that would last 58 years, until he passed away.
She had a vivid imagination, a quick wit and a zest for living that many people would envy. One of my favorite memories is of telling stories of when she was young. She had a way of telling it so you almost felt like you were right there taking part in it. Besides mothering her own brood (she had six) she mothered all the other kids of the neighborhood. Like so many women of her time, she had a special talent for nursing and for a time when they lived in Beloit, she worked with old Dr. Thayer as a nurse and midwife. She helped many a new life into the world, including several of her own grandchildren.
When we were kids, she was never too busy to play games with us, sometimes making up games if we were bored with the old ones. She always encouraged us to have our dreams, and to follow them if possible. She told me once the only thing to worry about was today, yesterday was gone and tomorrow was not here yet. She had a keen sense of humor, she always could see the humorous side of the situation but she did not treat life lightly.
I remember once when I was about 6 years old, we had a family picnic and during the day she found a nest of pheasant eggs. We had chickens and a broody hen. I do not remember how many eggs or how many chicks were hatched, but she wound up with two, a hen and a rooster. She kept them till they kept flying out of the cage and they were getting so theyd chase us. She took them to a taxidermist and had them mounted. She named them Oscar and Betty and had them yet when I was grown and married. I asked for them after she died, but no one seemed to know what became of them.
She was a fantastic cook and loved nothing better than to have her whole family together for Sunday dinner. She needed no special reason. She loved company and we used to say she opened the door with one hand and put the coffee on with the other.
She loved music and played the mouth organ. She should have been an entertainer, having both the talent and personality. Not long ago, I had the chance to watch the movie Mary Poppins, and I couldnt help thinking that whoever the author was, he must have known Grandma when she was young.
Sent in by: Gwen Boyer Bjorkman
John KEENEY b. Jun 1712, d. 1799 Washington, Litchfield Co, CT m. 1738?
1. Anna b. ca. 1739 Stratford, Fairfield Co, CT m. Parke Beeman 15 Dec 1757 New Preston, Litchfield Co, CT
2. Mark b. 1 May 1740 Stratford, Fairfield Co, CT, d. 7 Oct 1804, Braintrim, Wyoming Co, PA m. Abigail Beeman 1759?
3. Ephrium b. ca. 1742? m. Elizabeth Mallory
4. Mary b. ca. 1746?, d. 1830? Bristol Springs, Ontario Co, NY m. Abel Beeman 8 Nov 1770, Kent, Litchfield Co, CT
5. Esther b. 15 Oct 1754, Washington, Litchfield Co, CT
6. Antha b. m. Caleb Rude, 14 Aug 1776, Kent, Litchfield Co, CT
7. Berthia, b. m. Gideon Lawrence, 10 Oct 1782, Washington, Litchfield Co, CT
8. female, b. m. Ebenezer Smith
9. John b.
12 NOV 1736 LAND RECORDS of Glastonbury, Hartford Co. CT V4 p.213:
"John Keeneys Deed from Zephaniah Hollister, tract called Five Miles purchased from John House 9 Jan 1733/4 bounded by Joseph House, Joseph Smith and one Griswold, Thomas Welles. Wit: Thomas Morly, David Risley ...for sixty pounds current hundred acres..."
8 NOV 1737 LAND RECORDS of Glastonbury, Hartford Co. CT V4 p.231:
"John Mills Deed from John Keeny ...John Keeny formerly of of Stratford in the county of consideration of six acres in the NE part of Mohegan Hills...with dwelling house... in sd. hundred acres...that I bought of Zephaniah Hollister in Glastonbury...adj Joseph House, Joseph Smith. John Keeny"
15 DEC 1737 LAND RECORDS of Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT. V7 p.211:
"Samuel French deed to John Kenny exchange for six acres of land...with a dwelling house...and ten convey two parcels situated in the parish of Ripton, in bounds of Stratford...28 acres & 28 rods near the north end of Turkey Roost swamp..."
27 JUN 1737 LAND RECORDS of Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT. V7 p.212:
"John Mills Deed to John Keeny ...John Mills of Stratford consideration of 100 acres in Glastonbury conveyed to me by John Keeny formerly of Glastonbury & now residing is sd Stratford six acres with a dwelling ye Parish of Ripton, Twp of Stratford on the NE part of Mohegan Hills
bounded by Samll Wheler Decd, Jon. Oatman, Hallet Merchant, Josiah Wilcockson " Wit: Peter Mallery, Joseph Blacklock
18 FEB 1737/8 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v7 p.265:
"John Kenny to Samuel French Jun exchange for six acres...with a dwelling house...and 15 pounds... do grant...two parcels of land...28 acres and 28 rods...lying in the parish of Ripton, Stratford, at a place called Turkey Roost Swamp ..."
1739? LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v7 p.396:
"John Kenny to John Mills ...for fifty four grant...six acres and a dwelling house..."
8 FEB 1739/40 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.8 p.364:
"John Mills to John Kenny ...for eight half acre right of commonage..."
29 APRIL 1740 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v8 p.252:
"Proprietors of Stratford to John Kenny " small parcel of land..."
1 DEC 1742 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v8 p.360:
"Francis Hawley to John Kenny ...for fifty four convey...ten Barn Hill..."
3 MAY 1745 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.9 p.69-70:
"Daniel Beardslee to John Kenney ...for 84 convey...10 acres and a half at Pauls Pound..."
10 NOV 1745 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.9 p.69-70:
"Daniel Beardslee to John Kenny "...for 24 pounds 10 grant 13 acres at Pauls Pound..."
12 MAR 1745/6 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.9 p.113:
"John Kenney to Francis Hawley ...other lands...ten acres of land in Ripton...formerly purchased from ye sd. Hawley..."
12 MAR 1745/6 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.9 p.132:
"Francis Hawley to John Kenney ...for ten acres of land and fiv(?) hundred give fifty acres of land at...Josephs Ring..."
10 APR 1749 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.9 p.417-418:
"John Kenney to Edmund Lewis Esq. ...for four give...half an acre..."
4 OCT 1752 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.10 p.336:
"John Kenny to Ephrm. Hurd ...for six hundred give...fifty three acres and a half... at Josephs Ring westward from Bagburn...Joseph Lewis
.wit: Edmund Lewis, Hannah Lewis
4 OCT 1752 LAND RECORDS Stratford, Fairfield Co. CT v.10 p.343-4:
"John Kenney to Joseph Moss ...for ten hundred give...twenty three acres and half of land with house and barn..." adjoins land of Ephrm. Hurd, Henry Hanby, Daniel Beardslee Jun., wit: Edmund Lewis, Hannah Lewis
11 OCT 1752 LAND RECORDS Kent, Litchfield Co. CT v.2 p.33:
"John Cogswell of Kent to John Keeny of Stratford ...for three thousand hundred and forty two acres in the township of Kent...with a small house & all the fruit trees
.wit: Saml Hurd, Enos Hawley
"Taken up by John Keeney in a suffering condition one three year old Heiffer is a Black pide coller mark with a crop of ye Right Ear and a half penney under the same & a long half penney under ye Left Ear and Branded with m on ye inside of both Horns and on ye Left Hip. october ye 27 1760"
2 DEC 1762 LAND RECORDS Kent, Litchfield Co. CT v.3 p.227-8:
"John Keeny to Ephrm Keeny ...for love and parental give...fifty two acres..."
2 DEC 1762 LAND RECORDS Kent, Litchfield Co. CT v.3 p.230:
"John Keeny and Butler Malery
tenants in common
forty five acres ...agreed to partition of lands held in common..." wit: Ephm. Keeney, Increase Moseley
2 DEC 1762 LAND RECORDS Kent, Litchfield Co. CT v.3 p.231:
"John Keeny to Mark Keeny ...for love and parental give...forty four acres..."
"Voted and made choice of...John Keeney...grandjury men"
10 DEC 1764 TOWN MEETING Kent Ct.
"Voted and made choice of...John Keeney...fence venders"
"Voted and made choice of...John Keeney...surveyors of high ways"
"Voted that...John Keeney...shall be surveyors of high ways"
"Voted and made choice of...John Keeny...surveyors of high ways"
"Voted and made choice of...John Keeney...surveyors of highways"
1790 CENSUS Washington, Litchfield Co. CT page 75:
"Keeney, John
1 free white male 16 years and older
1 free white male under 16 years
1 free white female"
9 APR 1798 LAND RECORDS Washington, Litchfield Co. CT v.4 p.347:
"John Kinney to John Kinney Jr. ...for 10 acre and a half..."
18 JUL 1799 PROBATE RECORDS Litchfield Co, CT
Ebenezer Tanner and Park Beeman both of Warren in Litchfield County bound to execute estate of John Kinney late of Washington before 18 Jan 1800. Inventory 19 July 1799, 60a with dwelling, total $833.28. Addition to Inventory 17 Jan 1800, total 77.43. List of Debts due 27 Jan 1800 includes Josiah Kinney and Park Beeman, total $344.70.
31 MAR 1800 LAND RECORDS Litchfield Co. CT v.5 p.215:
"Heirs of John Keeney to David Whittelesey ...for 308.33 sell...part of estate of John Keeney lying between Warren and Washington, with house and barn... signed: Ebenezer Smith, Park Beeman & Anna, Abel Beeman & Mary, John Keeney, all heirs of John Keeney witnesses: Ebenezer Tanner, ?, and Sarah Kinney" (Beemans lived in Warren)
DEED October 13, 1800 Washington, Litchfield Co., Connecticut, Land Records Vol.5, p.441:
"Ebenezr. Tanner Deed from Mark Keney ..I Mark Keney of Springfield in the County of Luzern & State of Pensylvania ... for Fifty two Dollars ... do give ... all my rights & title ... unto the ninth part of my Father John Keney, Estate ... the thirteenth day of Octr. ... one Thousand eight hundred. Mark Keney witnesses: Richard Keney & Isaac Lacey (in Luzern County)" [NOTE: Richard was Mark's oldest son.]
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