Introduction and Background:
My transcription of the 1846 Holt Co, MO Probate file for John Jonathan Keeney, Jr, brother of Rev. Jonathan Anthony Keeney, is a part of my search for the husband and family of Susannah McLaughlin. Susannah McLaughlin was a sister of my ggg grandfather, Charles M. McGlothlen and of my ggg aunt, Mary Hannah (McGlothlen) Keeney, wife of Rev. Jonathan Anthony Keeney.
On 3 November 1828, in Lafayette Co, MO, John McGlothlin, Jr filed in Circuit Court an action for the Intestate Probate of his father, John McLaughlin, Sr. Through that file I learned that this John McLaughlin, Sr was my gggg grandfather and also the father of , among others, Mary Hannah (McGlothlen) Keeney. In that probate action, John McGlothlin, Jr lists the following as one of the heirs:
"John Keeny who married Susannah McLaughlin"
Because early families often traveled and located near each other, it seemed logical to search for a John and Susannah (McLaughlin) Keeney family in or near Lafayette Co, MO around the 1828 time period. As it turned out, there were three different individuals located nearby with names pronounceable as "John Keeny". Summary data for these individuals are as follows:
"John Keeney" Individual #1:
The 1830 Ray Co, MO
census shows an entry for a John Keeney, born
between 1770 and 1780. Enumerated with him were:
two males under five,
one male between five and ten, two males between ten
and fifteen and two males between fifteen and
twenty, one female between five and ten, one female
between ten and fifteen, one female between twenty
and thirty and one female between forty and fifty.
Not knowing my John Jonathan Keeney, Sr genealogy, I at first hoped the latter female might be Susannah McLaughlen, my ggg aunt. This is not the case, as the 1830 census data and the following probate file transcription are for the same family and show that this is the John Keeney / Mary Buckhalter family; This was John Jonathan Keeney, Jr, a brother of Rev. Jonathan Anthony Keeney.
Keeney family history indicates the following: That John Jonathan Keeney Jr was married but once and that to Mary Buckhalter. They were married near Jefferson City in Cole Co, MO on 1 January 1805. (Note: Cole Co was not formed until 1821. In 1805 this area was part of Cooper Co.) Mary Buckhalter was born in 1783 in Edgefield Co, SC and died and was buried in June of 1872 in Linn Co, OR. Census data agrees with family history data about this couple and their children. It seems conclusive that John Keeney #1 was not a spouse of Susannah McLaughlin.
"John Keeney" Individual #2
A person with a name pronounceable as "John Keeney" is shown in the 1850 MO census data for Johnson Co. Johnson Co was formed from the South central third of Lafayette Co in 1834. The census data shows that this John Keeney was born in 1824 - 1825, his wife Narcissa was of the same age, they had a one year old daughter named Missouri A. and a 4 month old son named William W. I do not know where, if at all, this John Keeney fits into the John Jonathan, Sr descendancy. In any case, the age of John Keeney # 2 precludes him from being the spouse of my ggg aunt Susannah McLaughlin.
"John Keeney" Individual #3:
A person with a name pronounceable as "John Keeney" is shown in the 1830 MO census for Lafayette Co. That census data shows John Keeney age 30-40 (i.e., born between 1789-1800) along with 1 male 5-10, 3 females under 5, 2 females 5-10, 2 females 10-15, 2 females 15-20, and 1 female 30-40 (i.e., born between 1789-1800.) This latter birth year range is in the middle of estimates of the child-bearing age range of Susannah McLaughlin's mother. It is possible that this person is my ggg aunt Susannah McLaughlin. An interesting Keeney history question might be: "What is the pedigree of this John Keeney family and what, if any, is the relationship to John Jonathan Keeney. Sr? My next search will be to look for land sales deeds by a John Keeney in Lafayette and its derivative counties in the 1830 - 1900 time period. Just perhaps, one might show a release of dower rights by a wife named "Susannah". Any help or guidance would of course be greatly appreciated.
With that introduction and background, here is my transcript of the Probate file of John Jonathan Keeney, Jr.
Annotated Transcription
John Keeney, Jr. (1772, VA - 1845, Holt Co, MO)
By D.C. McGlothlen
5329 156 Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
September 3, 2000
Following is a transcripton of the probate file of John Keeney, Jr., (1772, VA - 1846, Holt Co, MO), son of John and Ann (Poets) Keeney. John Keeney Jr’s will was written in Holt Co, MO. on November 26, 1845 and recorded in Holt Co, MO., on February 2, 1846. Widow Mary (Buckhalter) Keeney’s oath as administratrix was recorded on February 4, 1846 in Holt Co., MO., the date that probate officially began. Although Mary’s oath requires that an estate inventory be prepared, no estate inventory exists in the probate record. The exact date of John Keeney Jr.’s death is not identified in the probate file records; From the probate record, it can be established that he died between November 26, 1845 and February 2, 1846. The probate file is kept at the Holt Co Courthouse, Oregon, MO 64473. Spelling, punctuation and words per line in the following transcription, insofar as possible, reflect that of the original documents. Except for the two will pages and the summary of estate debts paid, all records in the probate file were written on partial sheets of paper.
(Dated 26 November in Holt Co., MO. is John Keeney Jr.’s will. The body of the will is comprised of two pages containing the following writing.)
I John Keeney of the County of Holt and State of Missouri do make and publish this my last will and testament, namely:
First, I desire that my funeral expenses and all my just debts be first paid.
Second, I give and bequeath to Mary McLaughlin and Jane McLaughlin fifty dollars to each to be paid to them by my executrix three years after my decease
Third, I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca Lanningham one hundred dollars to be paid her two years after my decease by my executrix.
Fourth, I give and bequeath to my wife Mary Keeney all my personal property of every kind, and also the following described lands situated in Holt County known as the South West quarter of Section three in Township fifty nine of range thirty eight, being the land on which I now live , and also the South west forty, South east forty & north west forty of the South West quarter of Section three(3) in Township fifty nine of range thirty eight being the land I bought of Jesse Magbee and at her decease to pass as hereinafter mentioned
Fifth, I give and bequeath to my two sons Eli and Elias Keeney^ all my lands lying in Holt County as above set forth at the decease of my wife Mary Keeney to have and to hold the same to themselves, their heirs and assigns forever. My wife Mary Keeney and my sons Eli & Elias Keeney are hereby authorized to sell all the above lands at any time provided they three are agreed to make the sale and can agree upon the terms, and I desire that if said sale is made it be regarded as valid.
Sixth, I desire that my executrix give to Sarah Keeney one good horse saddle and
(Transcribers note: end of will page 1, beginning of will page 2)
bridle also one good bed and a Bible to be given her when she arrives to the age of sixteen years.
Seventh, I hereby appoint Mary Keeney my wife, my executrix to execute thie above will - Witness my hand and seal
November 26th 1845
Attested to by us in )
the presence and at ) ss) John Keeney (seal)
the request of John )
Keeney - )
ss) John W. Kelly )
ss) Andrew (?) Jackson )
(Dated 2 February 1846 is the following writing by John Collins, Clerk of the Holt Co., MO. Court, on the outside of folded will page 2 )
Will of John Keeney
Filed February 2nd
John Collins
- Clerk
(Dated 2 February 1846, is the following writing by John Collins, Clerk of the Holt Co., MO. Court.)
State of Missouri )
County of Holt ) SS: I John Collins Clerk of the County Court in and
for the County of Holt State aforesaid - do here by certify that the written Will and Testement was delivered to me for record on the 2nd day of February A.D. 1846. and that the Same is duly recorded in my office in the book of Wills on pages 7 & 8.
I testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private Seal
(There being no Seal of office as yet provided) This March 1st A.D. 1846 -
ss) John Collins Clerk -
(Dated 4 February 1846 is the following oath of Mary (Buckhalter) Keeney to perform her function as executrix of John Keeney’s will. Although this oath required that an estate inventory be prepared as part of the probate, no record of an inventory exists in the probate record.)
State of Missouri )
County of Holt ) ss,
I Mary Keeney Appointed Executrix of the Will of John Keeney Decsd. On Oath do say that I will make a perfect inventory of the Estate of the Deceased aforesaid and - faithfully Execute the Last Will of said testator, Pay the Debts and Legacies as Far as the assets will Extend, and the Law directs under just acc--ounts, and faithfully perform all things required by Law touching such Excutorship.
Subscribed and sworn to ) her
before me this 4th day of ) Mary x Keeney
February A.D. 1846 ) mark
John Collins Clerk of )
Holt County Court )
Missouri )
(Dated 5 January 1846 is the following receipt for $11, paid to A.R.T. Locey by administratrix Mary Keeney for medical care tendered during John Keeney’s last illness.)
Recd Jan 5 - 1846 of Mary Keeney
Administratrix of the estate of
John Keeney late of the Co. of
Holt dec- Eleven dollars in
full of bill for medical service
tendered in his last illness
A.R.T. Locey
(Dated 19 February 1846 is the following receipt for $4 paid to Auguste Gamache by administratrix Mary Keeney. The relationship of Auguste Gamache is unknown.)
Received from Mary Kinney adminiatratix of John Kinney desd. the sum of Four dollars
Holt County Mo Feb 19th 1846
Auguste Gamache
(Dated 25 March 1846 is the following is a receipt for $50 paid by administratrix Mary Keeney to Wm McGlothlin.
Note: William McGlothlin was the husband of Jane Vellery (Turnidge) McGlothlin. This payment was in fulfillment of the bequest in John Keeney’s will, that $50 be paid to Jane McLaughlin. There is no explanation for the payment being received prior to the 3 year time period having passed as required by the will. Why did John Keeney make this bequest? Perhaps because of his closeness to the two Turnidge sisters, Jane and Mary. When their father, John Turnidge, died in a fire in 1822, the two sisters were not yet of age. At that time, the famies used the court in Lafayette Co, MO. On 5 May 1822 a John Keny was appointed guardian in that county of a Mary Turnage and on 1 May 1827, a John Keeney was appointed guardian of Jane Turnidge. Widow Elizabeth Turnidge had remarried to a John Stokes on June 2, 1823. Later on, Jane and Mary Turnidge married two McGlothlin brothers. Jane married William McGlothlin in Ray Co, MO on 8 October 1833 and Mary married Abraham McGlothlen in Ray Co, MO on 14 November 1834. The identity of the parents of these two McGlothlin brothers is not yet known.
Any relationships of Abraham and William McGlothlin brothers to the Keeneys or the Charles M. and Mary Hannah (McGlothlen) Keeney siblings (Mary Hannah married Rev Jonathan A. Keeney, John Keeney Jr.’s brother) have not yet been determined.)
A D Mar 25 1846
I have this day received of Mary Keeney the administrator of John Keeney Deceist fifty Dollars in full of all demands up to this date as witnesst my hand
and ss) Wm Mcglothlin (seal)
(Dated 25 April 1846 is the following receipt for $40 paid by administratrix Mary Keeney to A. McGlothlin. A. McGlothlin was Abraham McGlothlin, the husband of Mary (Turnidge) McGlothlin. This payment was in fulfillment of the bequest in John Keeney’s will, that $50 be paid to Mary McLaughlin. There is no explanation regarding the payment prior to the time period of three years having passed as required by the bequeath stated in John Keeney’s will, nor is there any explanation of why the amount paid is only $40 dollars instead of the bequeathed amount of $50s. See the predceeding receipt description for further information about the identity of Mary McGlothlin.)
AP the 25 1846
Received of Mary Keeney the administrator of John Keeney Deceist the sum of forty Dollars it being for valu received of heer as witnesst my hand and
ss) A. McGlothlin (seal)
(Dated 16 May 1846 is the following receipt for $3.90 paid by John Keeney’s estate to William Zook, Treasurer of Holt Co, MO. This payment is apparantly for interest on school assessments due for land in Township 60 Range 38. The discrepancy between the location of John Keeney’s land being in Township 59 as stated in his will and in Township 60 as stated in this receipt is unresolved.)
Treasurers Office )
Oregon Holt Co MO ) 16 May 1846
Received of John Keeney Three Dollars and Ninety cents on (Apt? Asst?) of (intrest?) of school (fund?) for Township 60 Range 38 in Said County Wm Zook Trs
(Dated 18 May 1846 is the following receipt for $40 paid by administratrix Mary Keeney to William Zook, Treasurer of Holt Co, Mo., apparantly for school assessments due for land in Township 60 Range 38. The apparant discrepancy between the location of John Keeney’s land being in Township 59 as stated in his will and in township 60 as stated in this receipt is unresolved.)
(----?) May 18 1846
Rcd of John Kenney dec By the Hand of Mary Kenny adx forty Dollars of school Mony on Township No 60 Rg No 38 Holt County Mo
$4000 W Zook Trs
(Dated 30 September 1846 is the following receipt for $1.45 paid by the estate of John Keeney to the Holt Co., MO Court Clerk, John Collins, on September 30, 1846.)
Estate of John Keeney dec’d to John Collins Clerk, on Balance due 30th Sept A.D. 1846- $1.45
ss) John Collins Clerk
(Dated 1 February 1847 is the following receipt for $40 paid by administratrix Mary Keeney to William Zook, Treasurer of Holt Co, Mo., for school assessments due for land in Township 60 Range 38. The apparant discrepancy between the location of John Keeney’s land being in Township 59 as stated in his will and in township 60 as stated in this receipt is unresolved.)
Feb 1, 1847
Rcd of Mary Keney Administratix of Estate of John Keney Dcd forty Dollars of School Mony Township No 60 R(D?) No 38 Holt County Mo
$4000 W Zook
(Dated 15 Feb 1847 is the following receipt for $42.30 paid by Mary Keeney as administratrix of John Keeney’s will to W Zook, Treasurer of Holt Co, MO.)
$42.30 Treasurers office Feb 15 1847
Recd of Mary Keney Adx of the Estate of John Keney Dcs forty Two 30/100 / Dollars of School Money of Township No 60 R No 38 Holt County Mo.
Principal $27.00
Interest $15.30
Total $42.30 W Zook Treasurer
(Dated 18 March 1847 is the following receipt for $100 paid by Mary Keeney as administratrix of John Keeney’s will to Rebecca Laningham. According to his will, Rebecca Laningham was his married daughter. There is no explanation regarding the payment prior to the time period of two years having passed as required by the bequeath stated in John Keeney’s will)
March the 18 AD 1847
Received of Mary Keeney the eXTRx of John Keeney Deseast one hundred dollars in full of all demands against the estate of John Keeney ss) Rebecca laningham
(Dated 2 April 1847 is the following receipt for $10.20 paid by Mary Keeney as administratrix of John Keeney’s will to Joshua Sutton. The relationship of Joshua Sutton is unknown. )
Received of Mary Keeney ten dollars and twenty Cts in full of all Demands against the estate of John Keeney Deceased up to this Date April the 2 day 1847 his Joshua x Sutton mark
(Dated 4 May 1847 is the following receipt for $10 paid by Jackson Keeney for Mary Keeney, administratrix of John Keeney’s will, to James Crowley. The relationship of James Crowley is unknown.)
Received of Mary Keeney Admx. of the Estate of John Keeney decd. by the hands of Jackson Keeney, Ten dollars on full of all demands against Said Estate. ) ss) James Cro(w?)ley
May 4 .1847 )
(Dated 5 July 1847 is an accounting of estate disbursements as of that date.)
Mary Keeney Administrator of J. Keeney deceased
In (Asst?) With (Said?) Estate
July 5th 1847 | $ cts | |||
No 1 | Amt Paid | W Zook | 16 May 1846 | 3 90 |
No 2 | Amt Paid | W Zook | 18 May 1846 | 40 00 |
No 3 | Amt Paid | Joshua Sutton | Apr 2 1847 | 10 20 |
No 4 | Amt Paid | Jas Croley | May 4 1847 | 10 00 |
No 5 | Amt Paid | Rebecca Laningham | Mch 18 1847 | 100 00 |
No 6 | Amt Paid | W Zook | Feb 15 1847 | 42 10* |
No 7 | Amt Paid | Auguste Gamache | 4 00 | |
No 8 | Amt Paid | W Zook | Feb 1 1847 | 40 00 |
No 9 | Amt Paid | W M McLaughlin | April 25 1846 | 50 00** |
No 10 | Amt Paid | A M McLaughlin | Mar 25 1846 | 40 00** |
No 11 | Amt Paid | John Collins | Dec 23 1846 | 1 45*** |
No 12 | Amt Paid | A R T Locey | Jan 5 1846 | 11 00 |
$352.65 |
*(Transcriber’s note: Although the accounting clearly states $42.10, the receipt clearly states $42.30.)
**(Transcriber’s note: Based on the clearly written dates on the receipts, the dates for these two entries are incorrectly transposed.)
***(Transcriber’s note: Although the accounting clearly states Dec 23 1846, the receipt clearly states 30 September 1846.)
(This completes the transcription of John Keeney, Jr’s probate file.)
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